Contacting Big Bang


send your packages, fanmail, whatever to this address:

서울시 마포구 합정동 371-26 덕양빌딩 Big Bang 앞우편번호 121-829
South Korea

write it on your envelope/package as seen above. the postal office should take care of the rest.

this is the english translation, but it’s preferred by the korean postal service to write in korean:
Seoul-si, Mapogu HabJungDong 371-26
DukYang Building: BIG BANG
ZIP: 121-829

(if you want to send something to another YG artist, replace “BIG BANG” with the artist name)

credit: gdluvzmc | as of September 2008



서울시 마포구 상수동 349-10 호성빌딩 4층 오디션 담당자, 앞우편번호 121-829
South Korea

Seoul-si, Mapogu Sangsudong 349-10
Ho-sung Building: 4th Floor
Audition Office
ZIP: 121-829

credit: gdluvzmc |

781 Responses to “Contacting Big Bang”

  1. is this the reall adress!!!?

  2. how do u contact them?just mail them letter?

  3. I am not sure if its the REAL address… it sounds real….

    Yeh this one is for mailing letters through the post.

  4. Hey! I’ve posted Lyrics for Lies in the new post.
    Check it out~!

  5. thanks so much cause you add me ,and I have addres G-Dragon’s blog .If you want it just comment.:)

  6. boy! when go korea i would love to look for that place

  7. that’s so great 🙂

  8. Now i know so thank you very much for the fan site but where did you get this address anyway well how do you know about big bang so much can you write back again? if you have any time
    sincerely Michelle

  9. I just found this site accidentally by viewing them in wikipedia.
    ehe. Do They have blog? can give me the link?
    Hope can get reply soon! thanks!! ^^

  10. @munyi: yep, thats how I also came across this site. Do BB have a blog ?? u mean big bang themselves ?? nicy170 said in Comment #5 about having the address to g-dragon’s blog…
    If you mean that, then tell me and I’ll ask her for you.

  11. yeah ,I have and I upload link G-Dragon ‘s blog=> the other members ‘s blog (TOP,Seung Ri,Dae Sung and Tae Yang

  12. @nicy170: um I think Big Bang don’t have a -real- myspace page, that’s most likely a fan-made one- neway thanks for sharing.

    thxz soo much for sharing~ =D

  14. WOAH! I Love it! haha. Thanks a million ya~ Nicy170 and b1gb4ng1rl~

    Hmm..same here. I also feel its like a fan made blog 😛
    Thanks once again! ^^

  15. @BigBang: Oh,I sure you this real address.

  16. @nicy170: Please refer to Comment #3.

  17. @BigBanggirl,okie I will carry out that blog

  18. thank uuu for telling me

  19. May i have gdragons blog too…pleaseeee thank you

  20. On 3 Dec. I saw BigBang in MTV Fast Foward and Five Live (TV in THAILAND) They’re so hot.

  21. I think it’s a fan-made blog, too o_o; (that’s my opinion)
    nevertheless thanks for sharing x3~

    @75 Random Questions-thing:
    Q: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
    A: I dont usually drive. Seunghyun does

    As far as I remember G-Dragon said (i think it was there ), that no one of them has a driver license @_@;;.

  22. Completely new to BigBang but loving them already! Sorry but am a lil lost about GD’s blog address… so is it really his? or a fan made one? Either way… what’s the link?


  23. i cant read wat s it saying
    can someone tell me the address???

  24. has any one tried writing to them?

  25. I went to Korea quite rceently and I tried to find the address that was provided but I just couldn’t find it.

    It was very difficult to find.
    If only if they had a phone number then I would’ve maybe found the office. =)

  26. i just got curious when i saw t.o.p. on a drama, then i found out about their group..
    their awesome.. talented… wow, thanks for putting up this site..:) by the way is this this the real address.. nice..thanks again.. 🙂

  27. Or you can just go to their myspace pages Ive spoken to Top and Tae Yang on there.

  28. @Sputnik: yeah, but they are all fake. It would not make much sense for them to have a myspace when they don’t have an english fansite. Plus, their English is not up to scratch anyway.

    @Angelberry: 100% fan-made.

    @Jeannierain: It’s real.

  29. If you have FRIENDSTER and YAHOO MAIL!!
    pls… add me

  30. has eny1 tried 2 write a lettr 2 dis address b4 ?
    cuz i was readin && a couple of yu guys said dis was da real address buh still o.O

  31. omg..i almost got the heart attack when i saw tat BB have the add to contact too and as i read along the comment i almost got a heart attack because some say it fake and some say it’s real..i am sad..i do wanna know korean stars..and all they have is their blog and cyber world or something with ALL IN KOREAN..aughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it’s driving me crazy..cuz’ i don’t know much as i love them..i am clueless how to speak or you think the years gone by and watching TONS OF KOREAN DRAMA AND listening to music you think you will learn…NOOOOOOOOOOO..cuz’ i have no one to practice or ask to..anyway sorta disappoint..but whoever find out tis is a real add or if they get response me at alot..

  32. I added all of em on myspace it seems real but on comment lot of people says u its a fansite I wrote a message to G dragon never got a reply
    so, who knows
    it’ll be nice if they have a some sort of english site
    I’m not korean i have no clue what is going on CY world
    If any of u guys know if the myspace account they have is real?
    Let us know here

  33. wow thanx…ima send thousands of letters

  34. they do have a blogsite, i remember them saying something about a FLY website, where they were reading fan messages and writing them back but i don’t kno if it was only a korean website.

  35. hey i’ve got a question!!!!
    if somebody can help me
    i’m a big fan of big bang
    and i live in germany
    and always asked why big bang don’t come to germany
    or england???

  36. bigbanggirl;
    hye i’m always wndering
    bout the same quest too.
    when is bigbang cmg
    to my place ;p

    geez i hope they’ll do a world tour
    or smthg ;)))

  37. someday…someday they will come!! >.<
    i believe in u guys Big Bang~!

  38. hihihiih yes
    but i think they wiLL never make a world tour ….
    they stay in only in korea …:((

  39. bigbanggirl;
    yeah , they went on a world tour i think. they came to usa before
    newyork and others. :O i hope they are coming to newyork again ><

    & hopely this address is real 😀 cause cause i am planning to write thems a letter LOL ;D

    big bang fightingggggggggggggggggg !!

  40. *sigh* my korean handwriting sux!!! how am i supposed to sent them a letter..??? does any1 know a tution centre that teach us how to write and speak korean? cos i dont want to confuse the postmen… huhu TT

  41. @izzati, if ur staying in KL, they do have korean class at Uptown..ICLS Language School..Am there learning korean doing my intermediate level 1 now…so once am done…with all the levels…maybe i can help translating the news pertaining to beloved Big Bang…yeay.. 😛

  42. oh no i think in germany i can’t learn korea i can speak english but not perfect and i can speak france but korean no
    i came from vietnam
    i have a question where are all of you are coming from??

  43. I think how do you send mail by English,while we use Korean

  44. has anyone tried the address??? n i’ve nvr written fanletter to ANY singers b4..but i do wonder whether they really do get to read them..i would it if one day, u opened your mail n you got a reply from YB or something. Wow..ahaha…

  45. i think they are read the fanletters because
    aLL of the singers are do that and i think whhen we are ask them some questtion
    they want to answer us,,,,,,,
    i believe that the sigers answer us because in germaany i always written to my
    Favorite band Us5 they are always answer me and it’s reaL too it’s the real
    from ma favourite singer richie^^

  46. I’m going to write them a letter, but I don’t know what is mean by this:

    >>[put the receiver’s name here]<<

    Only write their name (Especially because it’s right next to “South Korea”)? XD I’m clueless T_T.

    And WHOA. I would die, if BB come to Germany O_O”. I would even spend my whole money to buy the tickets for the damn train, if they don’t come near my hometown XD. But honestly, I don’t believe, that they would ever come to Germany Q_Q (this fact makes me cry.). At least not soon, because here in Germany are more japanese-artists-fans (Especially Visual-Kei) than korean-artist-fans XDD (I blame mangas&animes T3T).

  47. ui ui ui
    you wiLL write to big bang but which language do you want to use korea or englsih you came from germany, i’m too
    in which town are you live marico???

  48. @bigbanggirl:
    I live in Essen x3~. It’s a town in NRW. And you?

    Well, I think that I’ll write the address in korean (Fortunately, my handwritting isnt’ that bad, ’cause I’m a bit familiar with korean characters XD. *But that do not mean, that it’s SO beautiful.*), but the whole letter in english. I think, they’ll understand the letter, cause my english sucks completely, so that’s why I’ll write a lot of main clauses.

  49. @Marico: >>[put the receiver’s name here]<< means put the name of the person you are sending it to. you would do BIG BANG

  50. hmmm…i’ll search for both addresses once i get to korea.
    i wonde if i can find them though!
    i do know where mapo-gu is… hapjong-dong especially…
    but i’m not so sure about sangsu-dong… o.o”

    has anyone ever sent a letter to that address??

    i’ll try to do some resarch… ^^”

  51. xDDDD nat no because i don’t know what’s when it isn’t the right adress i can’t understand why big bang don’ open a fan in other countries fpr exemple in england or germany then wecan write them what we want 😦 but i know that this dream never com because they are always in korea when i go to vietnam i will fly to korea for a week then i will get a cd from big bang and se7en heeheh
    marico i’m from berlin heheheh do you know xDDD
    was you ever been in berlin
    liebe grezz :bigbanggirl

  52. Hi.I hope u a good new year and I want to tell u go beter.I have and I enjoy your”Last Greeting”.With the best wishes

  53. Hey bigbanggirl and marico! I would die too if bigbang come to indonesia.. I’m from indonesia..
    I really felt sadly when i knew bigbang came to thailand. I thought,why bigbang not around the asean? Hahaha,impos i think.. God,do u hear us? Plis,makes bigbang have a live concert for the world..

  54. @Ashe: I agree T_T. I want a WORLD tour, too XDDD.

    @bigbanggirl: No, I was never in Berlin before XD. And OMFG O_O You’ll fly to Korea? I totally envy you T___T!!!!!!! I’ll fly to Vietnam as well (Next summer holidays) for 2 weeks and my family and me are going to fly to China. I so hope, that there will be a lot of BB things XDDDD.

    btw. I like BB’s “For the World” album |D~. But it’s sad, that Lies is still in korean and only the refrain is in english T_T But “Always” sounds SO GOOD *_* And all the other tracks rock *-*

  55. Huh.. I wanna fly to korea too! When,when?

    Oh,yes! I cant wait until the album come out! I really want it!
    Somebody,do u have bigbang cd?

  56. hey ashe yes i want that big bang make a world tour
    and marico you fly next summer to vn
    ich glaube auch geheheh vllt sehn wir uns ya
    öhmmm i wiLL fly to koreA when you want i can buy a cd for you
    and in germany i can send it to you^^
    i hope that my sis will agreed that we fly to korea^^

  57. @bigbanggirl: so u already have a bigbang cd? I’ll try with hard to get a bigbang cd in here. But until now,i never get that!

    Hey BIG FAN OF BIGBANG FRM INDONESIA,did any one of u have a bigbng cd? Where’d u get that?

  58. ashe no i don’t have a cd from big bang but i want to get this cd when i fly to korea^^

  59. OMG!!
    @bigbanggirl: ARGH XD You can buy almost every album of BB on *__* My sister found that out and was really excited about it XDD (me too). (Aber es ist alles ausverkauft uu. Nichts mehr auf Lager.)
    It’s a great feeling to know, that you can get BB’s albums now in germany trough an easier way XD (normally, we have to pay in dollar x_x).

  60. omq marico realy????
    then i have to look for one hehehe
    (doch wenn es ausverkauft ist wozu suche ixh LoL )
    heheheh but i hope that bb come to germany it is more exiting then get a cd from bb^^

  61. yeah, definitley XDDDD i would so die T_T;;;. but nyar x_x. it’s a dream that never comes true Q_Q (maybe. there’s still a small probability XD). But finally a lot of more people here in germany would love big bang*_*.

  62. too. i wanna fly to korea,buy a cd,come to their live!!

  63. hhehehehhe ashe where are you living??
    öhMMM i think that bb comes to germany but it’s not yet they come in 5 or 6 six years maybe^^

  64. @bigbanggirl: yup,maybe 5 or 6 years they would come to here or germany,hahaha..
    indonesia. Honest,i would like tobe a korean person. so it’s easier for me to watch their concert. or maybe i’ve a chance to meet one of BB members on da street in there.. Hehehe..
    so,what ya gonna do if u’ve a chance to go?

  65. hehehhe ashe i think that when we can go to korea i will stay there 4evaa xDD why??ß
    because all the singers who i love are there do you know se7en or super junior or fahrenheit ???
    I LoFe all off this bands they are soo cuite and they can sing omq^^
    i wish that one day i can go to korea and meet bb
    when i saw one of this person do you know how i’m feeling
    my heart beat so loud that the world will here this
    maybe you think i’m crazy because i say this but i’m really really want to meetthem
    and when i saw them and i have a accident
    i don’t be sad because i have meet BB xDDD^^

  66. bigbanggirl..hahaha,me too! I known se7en,suju,n fahrenheit of course! Oh..they’re so cool too! Esp.kibum,siwon,n heechul.. se7en has a sexy style,hehehe..
    Yes,i would like to livin’ in there 4ever! I never wanna comeback to ma country..
    If oneday i meet them,maybe first i could scream,dying,n i don’t know what am i suppose to do. In da nextday i’ll become crazy!
    Ow geez..if u got a chance to go there,plis tell me. make a proposal then giv it to me. Hahahaha..
    I’ll be waitin’ we can go there..

  67. hehehe lets go together heheheh to korea when we are all 18 years old hahahahahah
    öhmm….. ashe have you got msn or email adresss??ß
    can you give me you’re addy pls hehehe^^

  68. hey guy i read sume of the comment sume of u saiii tiz iz real address but im not 2 sure soo plzz help

  69. Ow yea.. I’ll be waitin’ when we’re all 18 years or more.. Need 3 years for me to become 18 years. i’m 15years old hahahaha.. how old r u? Here,this is ma email what’s ur?

  70. “Korean postman likes Korean language more than English”

    hahaha that comment was funny. x)

    and i think the legal age to obtain a driving license in korea might be 2-3 years more than in the US? cos in the US the legal age is 16 right.. but for me (in Singapore) the legal age is 18. D:

  71. hehehehe ashe
    i’m 15 years too hehehe my b-day is in 3 motnh ^^
    and yours thx i add you^^

  72. hey aLL
    if someone know whether aLL of the members from BB have got a girl friend??
    sorry i don’t know how to write this question
    i hope that all of you can understand what i mean^^

  73. @bigbanggirl: I don’t think Bigbang members have girlfriends now. But I’m sure they had before. GD went out with a girl named Kim Jina (he dedicated ‘this love’ to her, right? ._. correct me if i’m not right~) and I think Seungri went out with a girl before. I just dunno the name but I saw pics before in soompi~

    I don’t know about TOP, Daesung and Youngbae though. ._.

  74. Alekshiyus heheh thx you i don’t know
    but t.o.p has sing a song for his ex gf

    here you can here it ^^

    but this love i don’t know
    but when i read the lyric
    i think it’s really for his gf ^^

  75. well i did it!!!!!!!!! i sent them a letter by post…..mayb a cople days ago..i contacted them
    speaking of contacting…i have been trying to contact balloons but no messages or emails not even a comment….i had alot ov questions and i wanted to help the site…
    oh well…

    IM STILL A BIG BANG FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;)

  76. @bigbanggirl: hahaha.. u’re same like me 15years old.. my birthdate same like seungri but i’m june.. U’re email is yahoo too?

  77. @bigbanggirl,alekshiyus,michelle..i saw top ex in comment page. Me n the other was talkin’ bout that..i putted link bout the other gd’s ex,her name’s kim ju hee.. Maybe u guys can take alook at comment pge..

    TY never had a girlfrnd cuz he’s a shy person..i dn’t kno bout DS,sorry..

  78. Ashe, daesung had a girlfriend buh he said he wanted 2 wait till he fell in love 2 make out with any1 else…buh he has kissed a girl b4…n taeyang did have a girlfriend…
    n no 2 b in ur conversation..buh im around ur age 2…

  79. @michelle: wow.. daesung had a kiss the girl? I thought he neva do that cuz i didn’t kno bout daesung’s issue with a girl.. where r u read that?

    Really? are u 15years old too? I got a frends who’s same old like me. where r u livin’?

  80. @Ashe,

    it was on you tube…it was performance..buh b4 tha perfomance they talked n every1 said they had a kiss already…

    oh im 16…..n i live in north america,illinois

  81. UI UI MICHELLE……. have you written to big bang
    uhh cooL i don’t know i wiLL write to big bang too but
    i can’t write korea:(
    Ashe hehehe i think aLL in this page are in the same age
    heheh 15 or 16 years
    öhmm i don’t know about bb gf’s
    i have search but about bb gf’s is no information:((

  82. omq GD’s gf
    ohh what’s her nam??

  83. anyone noe de name of gd’s gf who two-time him TWICE???
    he mentioned it on ya shim man man n he said de gurl was a singer…
    wanna kill dat gurl dy….from ysmm,i think dat gd likes older gurls…
    haih,no hope dy….but still luv him 4eva….
    anyway,if anyone wanna send letters 2 big bang,plz send my regards…keke

  84. heheheh crystal….
    i think if someone will send bb letters they have to write in korea and a lots of us can’t write in korea

  85. @bigbanggirl: yes,me too. i cant write with korean sub. but,i really want it. send somethin to bigbang it’s a great idea.. yap,i guess soo.. 🙂

  86. ohh i have a great idea i must looking for someone who can write korea
    i asked him or her to translate for me hehehe^^

  87. @bigbanggirl: oh.. u’ve a friend whom translate bout korean sub? hmm..if i send somethin to BB but with english,do they want to read mine? it’s stuck for me..

  88. Uh, everyone here is around 15 or 16 XD. Nya, I’m 17 years old… Not much older .-..

    @bigbanggirl: Uh, you like Fahrenheit XD? I hope you mean the taiwanese boy band (I dunno whether there are more bands named Fahrenheit or not.), cause I like them too **. I even have their photobook x3~. But it’s a bit difficult to read their comments, cause my chinese sux a lot Q_Q. I could ask my mother to translate everything, but I forget it to often û_u.

    btw. happy new year to everyone x3~

  89. uiui
    öHhHh ASHE
    hehehe i asked my sis because she has got a lots of friendz which are from thialanfd or korea i don’t know
    and marico: i think you mean the same band heheh fahrenheit there are4 members
    oh you’ve got a photobook from them
    hhehe i wish aLL of you happy new year too^^
    marico are you from chinese ????

  90. @bigbanggirl: COOL!! r u happy had a sis like that? my sis is sucks..
    btw,u like fahrenheit,rite? did u ever watchin they new drama (not new gain i think..)? romantic princess?

  91. yes i love this drama but i have not watsch all because it’s not
    all episode there-.-*

  92. Ah, I watch this drama, too ** (my mum and sisters as well. XDDD). But I’m not able to look it often, cause I watch a lot of ohter dramas at the moment (I am Sam, KO One and so on x_x)

    @bigbanggirl: I want a sister like that, too XD. But well, she has a few friends in japan and china instead (I think almost around the world thank to the internet). And yeah, I’m from China, but I was born here in germany x3~~.

  93. @bigbanggirl: where u watch it? youtube or what? in indonesia the drama was playin everyweek on tv..

    @marico: i really wanna watch i am sam drama! hmm.. i’ll try on youtube but i don’t understand what they said.. i kno this drama so great cuz there was TOP! hehehehe..

  94. hheheheh
    ko 1 izZz COOl TOO but the movie
    i am sam is not in german iZzZ in english and i can’t understand english so good:(

    You can watch “I am Sam” on this page x3~. There a lot more popular dramas there. Just take a look.

    And I so love “I am Sam” *_*. The first episode was a bit… boring, in my opinion. But I still watch it, cause I absolutely want to see TOP in a drama. It really was worth waiting! I love TOP’s facial expressions in this drama (Sometimes he has an I-will-kill-you-withing-2-seconds-look. It’s so hot *_*).

  96. @bigbanggirl: u watched it? If i watch on youtube i dnt undrstand korean. Maybe i’ll undrstand a little it cuz they body language.. Hehehe..
    Yap,me too. My english is so bad.. Hahaha.
    Btw,i’m sorry i can’t approve u now in yahoo. My laptop was dying so i can’t open ym.. Maybe tommrow or soon.

  97. @bigbanggirl: u watched it? If i watch on youtube i dnt undrstand korean. Maybe i’ll undrstand a little it cuz they body language.. Hehehe..
    Yap,me too. My english is so bad.. Hahaha.
    Btw,i’m sorry i can’t approve u now in yahoo. My laptop was dying so i can’t open ym.. Maybe tomorrow or soon.. Just waitin’,ok?

  98. @marico: whats sub with? is it complete? I mean all episod? Thx b4.. Yep,i really lov TOP n thats why i would to watch i am sam.. Month ago i watched one of the episod on youtube.. N gosh! TOP had a cool face in there!

  99. @ashe: yeah, it’s already complete x3~. And every episode has english subs (Like every other drama on the site.)

  100. marico but it’s in english sub ???
    and i can’t understand……english sub too xDDD

  101. ….im so cool…bcuz i ent tha letter….whoooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  102. @michelle: reall? did u send it? so u can korean language?

  103. @Ashe,

    remember u were juss supposed 2 call me chi chi…hehehe

    lol..buh no i dont speak korean….hehehe…buh theres a site dat translates it…. all u do is type it in english and put english 2 korean… go on and search english 2 korean translation…..

    buh wat ever u do….do not go on it totally says sumthing else
    so u dont wanna mak big bang mad…hehehe….
    i put tha letter in korean n tha same 1 in english….

    BUT I SENT IT YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  104. @chi chi: sorry to called u michelle.. hhehe.. Ow,google? Really? Cool,maybe next time i would try it.

    Btw,if we sent something to they wanna read it? Or maybe just someone in YG entertaiment.. i wonder bout that. Hey what r u wrote in ur letter?

  105. I think they’ll read it, cause in an interview BB said, that they read every letter they recieved. And hey: When the letter even comes from another country expect Korea, Japan, China and Thailand XD. Our guys definitely will be very happy to know, that they have a massive amount of fans all around the world (And that everyone of them love BB and their music/dancing skills/everything so much).

    @bigbanggirl: ah, I had this problem at first as well XDD. In 5th and 6th grade my english just sux. But my english has improved (alol. Only the understanding.) through watching animes and dramas with english subs x3~. It was really difficult at first and I just understood a few phrases, but after a while it works XD.

  106. but chi chi
    if we want to translate we search in google
    but this translator can’t translate all the letters
    they always can translate only one word
    i have try to translate a letter in english and
    i my english teacher gave me mark 4 because it’s all
    wrong omq so embarrassingly

  107. hey all if someone of you cann tell me a translator where i can translate my letter please
    ashe: i think big bang will read our letter because they have tell in a interview that they have became a erotic video omq it was for g-dragon this girl has written in the letter don’t watch it with seung ri omq because he’s to young omq omq

  108. I think I would write my letter in english TT3TT (And let it be). I don’t really like the translator of google, because it don’t translate everything correct and so on.

    But… think of it. Don’t GD said once in an interview, that he think it’s cute, when fans write him (or BB XD) in broken hangul (Or somethingelse. I dunno.)? But I’d be less cute, when the complete letter is not understandable T_T.

  109. marico i agree to you
    i think we should write in english but the adress how should we write in englisH or
    korea i don’ kno… whether the postamt in germany can understand koreanish…. and so bla bla bla

  110. nya, that’s a good question x_x. It bother me a bit, but I think as long as “South Korea” is written in english, the post office can handle it %D.

  111. LoL
    marico ich weiß nicht ob die postam leudde in deutschland das verstehn deshalb-.-*

  112. Na, wie gesagt, solang da “South Korea” steht geht, das bestimmt in Ordnung x3. Ich mein, die müssen das dann ja eigentlich nur nach Korea schicken und um den Rest kümmern sich dann die Leute dort °3°. Und ich denkmal, dass die Leute vom Postamt das einem auch sagen werden, wenn das nicht geht. Also, mach dir keine Sorgen ^^

  113. hehehe
    achja hassu yahoo uda su gib mia dann mal diene addy
    öhmm aba ish weiß nit also schriebsu dein brief in english un
    auf dem brief steht es in korea also absende adresse

  114. yap.. i don’t know what am i supposed to do.. hahhaa.. my english always got mark from my teacher too (@bigbanggirl: we’re same gain,both age or this)! it’s sux.. but,well i can speakin’ english a bit like now.. hhhee.. everyone,pardon my english! hahaha..

    @bigbanggirl: i accepted u.. btw,i need translator too. i really wanna send a letter for them. i hope when they’re know if they’ve fan from indonesia,they want to come here.. hohoho..

    @marico: hey.. what r u talkin’ bout (comment # 111 n 112)? i dont understand..

  115. @Ashe: we’re just talking about, whether the german post office can handle the korean address or not XD

    @bigbanggirl: no, i haven’t, but I have msn instead XD. And I’ll write the address in korean, but the whole letter in english x3~

  116. @marico: oh.. Why u dnt write with 2 subs? English n korean? soo i think they would be undrstand.. hhehehe

  117. hehehe but i think at our postcard aren’t enough place to write two adresses ashe
    it’s very small^^

  118. Hahaha.. make it tobe very smaller writing..

  119. hehehe ashe
    i think i should wrote in english and korea it’S a good idea xDDD

  120. bb fans please add me hehehe

  121. dear ppl.i dont think you really have to worry alot about writing in korean cuz i think most BB members know english….and alot more other languages..

  122. yeah i think that bb can read english but i woriied that
    the post man can understand the rode^^

  123. @brokenfruit: taeyang can speak japanese n gd chinese? n yeah i thought bout that,i just wonder bout for awhile.. correct me if i’ve mistake.

  124. i guess in the post office..SOMEONE can read english..LOL…but i guess it would be easier if it is in korean..=D

    @ashe: yyup..=]
    but i think some members know more than one language….thats what i read…=]

  125. @Ashe: I heard about it, too, but I don’t know if they can speak these languages perfectly (Or “good enough”. I hope most of you understand what I want to say.).

  126. doublecomment. I so hate that, but i can’t avoid it.



    On is the 1st Mini-Album Always avaible again x3~. Nya, I hope. I don’t really find a text where it tells, that it’s sold out.

  127. @brokenfruit: u rite. seungri can speak foreign language,i read bout his profile.. n yeah they must to undrstand bout eng language n can speaking with cuz it’s an international language..

  128. Hey people,how about this.. u writin the address with 2 subs (hehehe..),but the letter with english cuz that’s to BB. why don’t to try with my weird advice?

  129. @marico: yap,yap.. they can speakin with those language very well. look at boa or se7en,they can speak japanese too n they had japanese album. korean singer can speak with cuz korea near to jpan. n bout chinese? many chinese in asia or hav a blood half chinese (thats one is me,but i can’t. i just speakin with my language,english,n japanese a bit. hehehe..) so gd can speakin with it cuz that i think..

  130. marico i’ve got msn too
    here is my addrres when you want to ad me^^

  131. omq i have writenn my letter but i don’t know how to send it cann all of you explain it what should i write on this posTcard i wiLL send and then i says all of you whether bb will answer me

  132. hey peeps^^!
    Just wanted to clear up a lot of Qs ppl might be having; if these questions have already been answered, then my bad (there’s too many comments to read all of them lol)

    1. That is the real address. I went there and left my stuff for them

    2. I doubt they reply. Just know that they DO receive your mail so you won’t have to worry about whether they got it or not.

    3. They only fully understand Korean. Taeyang understands Japanese quite well (the others understand Japanese a little, but they have Taeyang to translate for them ^^). A few of them (mainly GD, TOP, and YB) understand conversational English, so no hard vocab~ lol. “I Love You’ is all good keke

    Any other Qs you might have just email me at…I live in Korea and have access to more insight so I’d love to help y’all~

  133. heheh
    idril you from korea it’s nice to meet you
    öhmm was you ever been at a concert from bb

  134. hi. you are the best band!!!

  135. @idril: u’re cool? just living in there or u real a korean? i would tobe a korean if i can.. hhaha.. thx 4 ur answered,agree with u. it’s make me surely bout..

    Everyone plis add me..

  136. hey girls look this is the same song run to you from bb

  137. but rum to you from bb is better hehehe^^

  138. Yap,better so much! they said.. “bounce with me,bounce with me..” i want to bounce with them..

  139. Idril omggggggggggggg…thanks you soooooooooooooo muchhhhhhhhhhh!!! i wub u!! big bang fighting!!

  140. @Ashe: I both live in, and am, a Korean. However, I’m a US citizen by birth and English is my first language


  141. @idril: wow cool! i hop i could be korean. hhehe.. can i hav ur email? so i can ask u some quest..

  142. @Ashe: it’s in my first post

  143. @Idril: u r korean?dat’s so cool!!!have u been 2 their concert?

  144. @crystal: no, I haven’t…Korean fans are, to say the least, scary. I value my life too much to risk it lol

  145. @idril: i’m sent a message for u.. if i knowing bout bb fans act,maybe i’ll be thinking 2 times b4 watch their concert.. Hhehehe ^^

  146. @idril: i sent a message for u.. if i knowing bout bb fans act,maybe i’ll be thinking 2 times b4 watch their concert.. Hhehehe ^^. But,no~ i would to comes to their concert although knowing bout.. ^^

  147. hehehe
    @idril: have you got other friendz who are bb fans??

  148. @Idril: arw x3~ I have to agree: sometimes (maybe even often. i dunno.) korean fans are really scary people T_T. i just heard about the story of GD’s ex-girlfriend and it’s… i don’t know any words to describe (school had started today and it feels like my brain is empty.). i mean: They are already seperated and the fans still search for her and do weird things to her x_x (nyar, I think especially on her blog or cyworld).

    nevertheless, i’d like to visit one of their concert at least (i want to scream with the other fans %D *what a stupid reason. but honestly, I really want to see our guys live in action on stage ;.;*).

  149. @Marico: of course I’d jump at the chance to go to their concert but it’s hard when the tickets get sold out in four minutes…

  150. @Idril: uh~ I forgot that T_T. yeah, it seems really hard to get only ONE ticket %D that’s really a pity Q_Q.

  151. oic…sounds like korean fans r quite scary…
    but if big bang hold a concert in Malaysia,i would definitely go…
    hope dat Malaysian fans r not as scary as korean fans…keke
    about GD’s ex-girlfren thingy,i also search 4 her but i din do any weird stuff…
    i’m jz curious,not crazy…hahaha

  152. yeah, curiosity isn’t a weird thing. I think it would be enough, when we imagine her and maybe find her by chance.

    I doubt that there are a huge amount of BB fans here in Germany (well, about 100 at least, as far as I remember/know.), but if there are, then they would be almost the same like korean fans. nyah, that’s my own opinion u_u;;. but maybe they are even not that scary D:

  153. whoa…i din noe dat Big Bang is popular in europe countries…
    dat’s reali good news…i hope dat they r popular in Malaysia too…
    now,most of de Malaysian chinese r crazy over DBSK n SuJu onli while i’m gettin bored wit them….kekeke…

  154. @crystal199187: the same with me XDDDDDD. a lot of people here in germany adore super junior and dbsk, but I do not really… it’s not that I don’t like them. I’m just not really impressed by them D:.

  155. I’m sure they probably never gonna come to my hometown,i’m from UB(Mongolia).. so i should try to go to korea..

  156. @marico: at 1st,i like dbsk but they lip sync numerous times n their fast songs r mostly very noisy,so i began 2 dislike them…a few weeks ago i saw dbsk perform in a korea-china concert in KBS World,they still lip sync 2 a song dat they must hv sung more than 50 times…although they improve a lot but i think dat a part of their popularity was gained due 2 their pretty looks…meanwhile,i nvr like SuJu in de 1st place…i wun wan 2 see 13 clowns on stage when sum of them were singin off pitch…
    sorry to dbsk n SuJu fans…i’m jz expressing my feelings….

  157. @crystal199187: oh yeah, I think the same about Super Junior. At first I think: “Nyah, not bad.”, but I think it’s quite disturbing, if there are 13 singers on stage x_x (Hey, they even don’t need dancers in the background! XD).

  158. @Marico: hahaha,u r rite,they reali dun need dancers cos it’s already too crowded…
    how can u differentiate 13 voices in a 4 to 5 minutes song?i even had trouble
    differentiating Dbsk’s voices…but i had no trouble differentiating Big Bang’s
    voices cos all 5 of them hv their own unique n great voice…keke

  159. Hey guys.. u can read on comment page actual brokenfruit’s comment.. she heard if gd has a girlfriend,currently..
    im so sad,i hope it isnt true!

  160. hey guy which address do u guy send 2 BIGBANG?
    im pretty confuse

  161. @bigbang_4ever: I would use this one:

    우편번호 121-829
    서울시 마포구 상수동 349-10
    호성빌딩 4층 (주)YG 엔터테인먼트
    (South Korea) – [put the receiver’s name here]

  162. **Hii Everyone.

    Could I have the real address for Big Bang please?
    ‘Cause Im pretty confused atm.
    There are so many different addresses and people are saying they are fake.

    If you have the REAL address, could someone please translate it in English and email me it.


    Thanks alot !

  163. heyy
    i watched alot of youtube video and there were 2 different houses
    and i wannted to know if it was real and there living there like right now
    b/c my friend and i are crazy about big bang
    and we really want to go to there house and give them something
    its there home address right?

  164. i love bb sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much i would give up my cell+ipod to get their autograph………….. please tell me this is the REAL address cuase im sendin sooooooo many letters.

  165. @gdragon is my babbby: They work there. Not sure if it’s the same place where they live, cos they -do- live together.

  166. waiit im soo confuse
    who works there?so its not there house right?who lives together?
    im soo sorrry im just wondering

  167. its not the address 2 there house…its 2 ware they work……and 4 ur in4mation….(b1gb4ng1rl), gd is ma babby………………thts final….cuase i met him once in new york… r u even korean????????????

  168. OMG, bigbangluvr, you met GD in NY !???????????????? was he nice to you ? howz his english? where in NY ?

  169. @bigbangluvr #167: uhh, ok that’s a bit weird, you weren’t sure of this either in Comment #164. I did say that BB works there..(in Comment #165)

  170. @bigbangluvr : did u reali meet bong at ny?was he arrogant or nice?did he talk 2 u?

  171. @bigbangluvr : i can’t wait 4 ur reply…u r soooo lucky!!!!!

  172. So u met with GD?

  173. if he accually talked to you..your so lucky because it seems he isnt very nice to some fans..=[…

  174. i will cheerful all member in bigbang. love music of bigbang c u na ja

  175. yup agreed with brokenfruit..he isnt that friendly to some people..especially whom he hardly knows..but the truth he’s a nice kid..from what my friend told me all of them are.

  176. i think bigbangluv haven’t saw man in new york becoz their in korea

  177. ashe :hi u like bb talk wit me na ja i’m new

  178. omg people need to relax
    i don’t think they came to new york
    thats what i think

  179. i wanrt to right to them immideiatly

  180. They did come to NY…
    I heard it like all over the web… not sure…but they are GOING to be coming in 2008…
    Why is G-Dragon mean to some fans?
    I mean like he dont know none of us and he treat some nice and some bad…
    that’s alittle harsh on me…
    though i still LOVE him!!!

  181. aww , yeah same i heard hes not that
    nice to fans .. =/
    butt i still lovee him lolll <333

  182. oh ! I want to send a present to Lee Seung Hyun on his 18th birthday but i don’t know the address of YG entertainment.Well i have just known,so thank you so much !!!!( if it ‘s really address of YG entertainment ).BIG BANG,fighting!!!!!!!!! Lee Seung Hyun,saranghaeo!

  183. i swear i met gd….he was sooo nice, but kinda hard 2 comunicate even though im korean…..i met him 4 only like 5 minutes but it was soooooooo sweet!!

  184. and he was sorta mean 2 this one little girl who kept tryin 2 get his attention….oh well.
    and of course he came 2 new york(duh!)…on the internet it said tht bigbang is comin 2 LA in march20,or so…and im gonna b at LA @ tht time!!!!!!!!! lol i will try 2 get bigbangs email and email it 2 u(if u giv ur email on this site) wile im there cuase sometimes they give it away……

  185. @bigbangluv: reallly he hard to comunicate???? he seem soo nice

  186. hey guys im new so….
    i love top!
    hes sooooo awsome
    lol dont u think?

  187. @bIGBANG_4_ever: not really hard 2 comunicate but his english was a little bad.

  188. oh…so if you get their email can you email it to me???
    ESP. GD

  189. @Alldistars: i need ur email first though……

  190. @bigbangluv:u noe their email??

  191. im might b able 2 get it in LA

  192. @bigbangluv,

    my email add is
    PLZ email 2 me if u get their email add…
    thanx a lotz!!!!!plz n thank you!!!!! 🙂

  193. Hi.I have visited BIGBANG’s Site but I am so afraid because it’s not in English.Why? It’s so bad and sad.Dose any one know some where that I can write and send a pst in English ?Also I want to join their site but it was korean to.please comment me at

  194. @bigbangluv: my email is
    DO SEND IT!!

  195. wow i think Big Bang is kool!!….well i like the youngest the best!..he is so dame hot!!

  196. @bigbangluv hey can you send me their email address? i want to send an email to them! ^-^ my email is PLEASE AND THANKS!

  197. @bigbangluv:
    are they gonna be coming to New York again?
    hope they come…
    Do reply back!

  198. @alldistars: they might but in a long time like a year!!!! ware do u live?
    @loveTO:they have a gmail,i kno tht,a and theyll probably give their american one.
    @crystal199187:ur welcome!=)

  199. btw, my email is
    and my aim is hkim9539

  200. @bigbangluv [#198]: what? BB has a gmail?! uhh.. O___O

  201. my email address
    can i get dere gmail please and thanx u! ^.^

  202. @bigbangluv:i live in NY…
    i want them to come to NY…
    it’ll be so cool if i get to meet them!
    oh and also…
    did u talk to ALL of them or just G-Dragon?
    did you speak in Korean or english…
    cause im not korean but im learning it this year
    do they understand english
    and what did you talk about with them?
    THX ALOT if you answer them!

  203. @Alldistars: no prob….
    1)i only tlked 2 gd and daesung
    2)i spoke both but mostly in korean
    3)they can kinda understand english
    4)since i only had like 3 miutes w/ them…i just said tht i loved them and tht they r rly kewl..they asked me if i had a bf!!!!!

  204. @bigbangluv:
    how old are you?
    they totally love you too!!!

  205. @bigbangluv:
    Where did you go to see their schedule?
    Did you goto their official website or something?
    I think that since they’re coming to LA then they should come to NY too!
    oh and when they ask you the question what did you answer?

  206. i have very lttle time left…
    im in school…
    you have their GMAIL?
    i reread all the comments…
    do answer back quickly!

  207. “#
    bigbangluvr said,

    January 27, 2008 at 12:36 pm

    its not the address 2 there house…its 2 ware they work……and 4 ur in4mation….(b1gb4ng1rl), gd is ma babby………………thts final….cuase i met him once in new york… r u even korean????????????”

    wow. the last part seems totally out of place..

    bigbangluv, you’re lucky !!!!

  208. @Alldistars: ur @ skool?
    and im 14…yea i went 2 their official page..
    and when they asked me if i had a bf i said definitly no but i was soo emmbaressed!!!!!!!
    and i dont have their gmail but i might get it when i go 2 LA

  209. @nuji : thx…it was like so sweet meeting gd…

  210. im 14 too!
    yea im in NY
    its school time…
    though it’s chinese new year and im chinese…
    HATE IT!
    im the only one who have school todayiin my family!

  211. @bigbangluv:
    i dont mean hate it to being Chinese
    i meant hate it to being at school!!!

  212. LOL…tdy is a skool day 4 me

  213. i mean tdy is a no skool day 4 me…

  214. do you live in LA or NY?

  215. neither….just visited both

  216. bigbang_luv@ UR SOO LUCKY TO MEET THEM ^^

  217. do you live in the US then?
    ur so lucky traveling to the places to meet them…
    i wish i could do that…
    how to you visit them when Big Bang is there?
    you went to the places by urself?

  218. @bigbang_4ever:i dont hav their email yeyt but i might get it when i go 2 LA
    @Alldistars:yea i live in michigan…i check bigbang’s schedule every week…i went 2 some places by myself

  219. oooh thaaankss bigbangluv! ^-^

  220. @bigbangluv:
    u goto some places by urself?
    how do you get there?
    oh and also how much does the tickets mostly cost?
    cuz someone told me if i want best seat it’s about $175…

  221. @bigbangluv ok thanks! ^-^

  222. @LoveTOP: ur welcome…!
    @Alldistars:i go by airplane(theres a special program)
    the tickets r like 200 4 the best deat

  223. @bigbangluv:
    what special program is it? cuz i want to go to but probably cant…darn…
    wow so you pay 200 for best seat?

  224. @alldistars:ur parents have 2 sign this contract and it depends on wut airline u go on…and yea i pay 200 4 the best seat cuz its worth it!!! i always get 2 touch their hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  225. @bigbangluv:
    how much are the airline tickets most of the time?
    my parents would probably never let me do that…
    How long does it take on the airplane flight and when you come back to Michigan it’s night already right?
    I envy ur ways of meeting Big Bang!!!

  226. @Alldistars:lol…u ask soooooooooo many questions like as if i were a celeb or somethin!!! it takes like a day 2 get thereandthe flight is like 200 dollars 2…..

  227. @ bigbangluv:
    wow…u have seen G-dragon and Daesung for real?? LUCKY U…
    OMG..i am dying to meet them…but when i meet them i’ll be like “i love u”..thts all coz i don’t speak korean… they speak english well??
    do u hab their e-mail ID?…can u give it to me if u get their ID..?

  228. @bigbangluv:
    sry 4 askin’ so many questions…

  229. @BBlover:alot of people ask me bout if i have their email…but i dont have it yet!!!!!! and lol i told them tht i loved them and i wanted 2 date them lol!!!!!!!!!they can only kinda speak english so i mostly talked in korean.btw…wuts ur email?
    @Alldistars:lol its fine…i kinda like answeren ur questions actually!!

  230. @bigbangluv:
    you told them you wanted to date them?
    You never mention that to me before?
    What did they say?
    …Were the people working for Big Bang pushing you along like telling to keep the line moving or something?

  231. is this address still valid, as of now feb.12, 2008?? and is it 100% sure that whatever we send them will get to them? in their OWN hands??

  232. @mybelle403: the YG Staff will handle all BB fan mail/ gifts related. Big Bang usually read their fan mails and received gifts..100% sure that the things u send will get to them??Am not sure..but as long as it reach Yg Ent safely, then it should be alright. as u know there are 100000 fan mails, gifts and others stuffs coming in everyday given by VIPs..for BB to go through will definitely take them awhile tho due to their tight schedule. But Big Bang really do appreciate the things given and they do enjoy reading all the fan mails..It makes them closer to the fans.

  233. @bigbangluv:
    no way! u told them u wanna go on date with them?? what was their answer..??
    Omg..i am so jealous of u now..HEHEHE(lol)…..i wish i was there with u..then i wud have asked them on date too…lol
    ma email is

  234. @alldistars:lol sry…people ask soooooo many questions so sometimes i forget 2 mention some things….they said tht it would b kewl but nothin else,o well…i only tlked 2 them 4 like 3 min….
    @BBlover:lolol!!!!!!if u can go 2 la,u can go 2 their concert in march!!!!!imtotally goin!lol!
    thx 4 ur email..

  235. @ bigbangluv:
    really they are goin to l.a. on march… i dont know if i can go..btw where do u live..
    i mean where r u frm??
    you r welcome…u should add me on ur msn..

  236. does any1 here know Big Bang’s house address…
    cuz alot of fans know the house address for Big Bang so
    they just do home delivery thing…
    any1 here know?

  237. oh yay there is the BB house address!!!

  238. @BBlover:im livin in michigan,u?

  239. @ bigbanfluv:
    i live in Canada.I guess i won’t be comin to L.A. for BigBang’s concert in march=(
    but i really really really want to meet them.

  240. @ bigbangluv: btw i’m sorry for the “biggbanfluv”……..

  241. @BBlover:lololol..its fine..and funny!!!!!!!!!!!!

  242. anyone know what via snail mail is???

  243. @ alldistars – when you send using the post office or a mail box XD

  244. i dont get how to send mail out of the country!! do u go to the post office?? >.< i neva sent mail out of the country b4!

  245. i havent send mail outta da country either
    the day i had to send out money for BB tees…
    but i still dont know how to send mail out that is like not a letter but like a package..
    anyone know how to send???
    I know I have to send with like UPS or DHL but like how and is there a age thing???

  246. I live in california and i don’t think BB is coming here. but anywayz, i’m such a big fan of them. hopefully oneday i’ll meet them, although i don’t speak korean. i was just wondering if they can speak english fluently. at least one of them or something. but yah.. dis address seems rite to me. maybe i’ll give it a try.

  247. @Alldistars And Khmai_Guh: no there is not age limit. If its a letter, you just go to the post office and tell them you want to mail this to the location u want to send. they will give u the stamp and u have to pay for it. if you want to send a package, u can use DHL or UPS, it will be a lot faster than post office. But it will be more expensive.

    @chelschels: they do understand English..a bit.. and they cant speak that fluent. maybe a simple sentence. Taeyang, GD and TOP..maybe can speak a little bit and it may sound like a broken english, but still they can a bit.

  248. thanx momo. I really like dis website. it’s really helpful and it’s a good way to meet new friends. btw, wats ur real name? and do u live in california? just curious, dat’s all. but thanx alot for commenting back.

  249. @chelsea : no problem.. and ur welcome. am glad to know that u enjoy ur stay here..:) My name is Momo btw and am from Malaysia..nice to meet you chelsea..

  250. Can you translate the YG’s address into english.I’m not Korean

  251. @Choi SeungHye:heyy isnt it in english 2???
    @alldistars:heyy we havnt tlked in a wile…

  252. so if we send a letter to them and the letter is in english wod they still understand???
    who has there HOUSE address so i can jus liek directly send it to them

    hey no to stalk them xDDDD……………………=.= or would i?………………..
    haha no i wont honestly but yeah it wod be easier just to directly send it to them instead

  253. omg bigbangluv:
    u are so lucky!! i envy u and how ur parents let u go like tht (i mean ur 14 hw lucky!!)

    but im not a big fan of G-dragon
    i like dae sung alot but he aint my fav my favs

    are T.O.P and Seung Ri >—< id love to meet these guys
    and have there autograph and a picture with them!! (did u take a pic with them?)

    where do u read the schedule
    here when u find out there email or g-mail

    can u please tell me


  254. hey all how are you!have a nice day
    mongolian lady
    hey guys

  255. do you have their email address??????OMg thnx for the posting address!!!!!!do they?

  256. bigbangluv@hi it me again lolz
    here my email
    i soo envy u got to meet bigbang n stufff ^^

  257. @bigbangluv:If you do get their e-mail can you send it to me plez?
    My e-mail is :

  258. omg!!!!omg!!!!omg!!!!omgawd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    my order has been approved today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    n they r gonna ship it out 2 me on 28th March!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    now,i have to wait 4 another 2 more weeks b4 it’ll arrive in hands!!!!!!!!!!
    i’m trying hard not to jump around n scream rite now!!!!!!!!!!!
    omg,i’m so happy,i’m gettin crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  259. @kareezsa:kk!
    @chellysaranghaetop :kk

  260. i am so happy to get that now i can post a gift to seung ri on his birth day.i love him so much and thx for show addr.and also Can you show Big Bang
    email.i want to know please can we get?we all love bb very much and more love in seung ri. thx u very very very very much for addr.i can post gift and letter to him.

    very very thx u and May god blee u


  261. LOVE BB

  262. ahhh soo cool. thank goodness i found this site!! 🙂

  263. Hello, i want to get in contact with Big Bang or the YG Entertainment by e-mail because I want to get their permission to post a MV on YouTube that i made based on Big Bang’s Always as a High School TV Production class project.


    please email to

    I am in a hurry.

  264. @Aram Lee: i am rly close to gettin bigbang’s email….ill keep tryin 4 ur request

  265. how can u find other celebrities adress or contacting ifnormation?
    can u tell me please!!!

    thank you!

  266. Hey
    please help me…
    I want to write wid bb fans and talk bout them please posting
    better in german cuz my english is so bad i don’ t want to write or talking so much in english^^

  267. hii

    this is pretty cool. has anyone tried sending their letters to them and gotten replies?
    also, does anyone know their emails or cyworlds and such??


  268. oh i forgot
    i want to say happy birthday to .. daesung? i think
    and so

    that’s why i wanted to know if the mailing adress was real and stuff ^ ^
    this is my second time on this fansite and this site’s really good


  269. to bigbangluv:

    if you get their email please email me at

    oh and whats their official site?

    thankkk youuu

  270. are u sure the email links was theREAL@YGBB

  271. i tried it and error 😦
    i tried and it was sent
    dunno it sent or not ;(

  272. Thanku bigbangluv

  273. BIGBANG fan shirts are now available at!

  274. dear aram lee

    do you know their email?
    my friends and i made a project for music theory using one of Big Bang’s song and the theme was based on the song, which was Last Farewell

    i need to know pretty soon so my email is


  275. @loveisweet:kayy…ill try
    @Aram Lee:ur welcome

  276. @bigbangluv:

    you’re the best!
    so have you like talked with them thru email yet tho?

  277. hii every1!!
    im a little new im this site, but this is so helpfull to me!!!
    and all of things what i know about them most are from here!
    so thanks!!!
    i have many questions:
    u know if BB will be in germany? or in europe or in the south america?
    cuz are many fans in brazil!!(im from brazil btw =p)
    i really want to meet them and say many things!!
    i was thinking about this adress and to write a letter, and what do u think if i write a letter talking about many things(how much i like them and things like that) and tell abou how much they are famous in brazil and in erope asking for their concert near here?
    btw, sorry about my english, its so bad, i hopo u understand me a little =p

  278. @bigbangluv:
    i know i might sound impatienet and i’m sorry
    but do you have the email or do you need to find it?

    sorryyy i’m jst really impatiend sorryy

  279. @loveisweet : i dunn hav their email yet…im gettin it….ive met them 2 times and went 2 4 of their concerts!!!!! and sry….ill rly try…sry 4 the late notice

  280. @bigbangluv:
    aww it’s ok

    thank you!!

    you went to 24 concerts..????

    ur soo lucky!! you met them 2 times!!!

    did any of them hint any flirting at youuu??(:

  281. awesome! thanks for the info!

  282. hi bigbang iam a big fan but the most persoon i live in bigbang is t.o.p ….. and ONE DAY I WISH I COUld come to one of your concerts a suoth korean and thanks for the info!!^* thanks^*^*^*

  283. erm hai bigbang i just wanted 2 know if i go 2 korean and i ask my cousin for backstage pass would u let me go in?~ becasue ima really a BIGGG fan and also i can get them becasue my cousin is the maneger of dongbangshinki and BoA and i asked my dad if i can get free stuff from other bands and he said yes.I hope u can let me BIGBANG~

  284. @JULIE lor and stephanie:

    ahh i think you guys are mistaken. This isn’t the offficial site..): this is just a forum kind of thingy where you talk about them..

    you can go to their official site tho! if u know this isn’t the officialy then good for you! (:

    just making sure before it’s too late (@ Stephanie) (:

  285. this is the real address? omg! im goin to end them a letter. wen i go to korea i gonna try to check this place out!!!! THanx we owe u one =]

  286. Stephanie u lucky!!! maybe we can talk together sometime.hehe!LOL i wish i had a connection between them.(sigh) =]

  287. lol hey you guys, do you know their
    gmail? anyway, i remember that last
    time when i went to new york with my
    auntie, i was in a really bad move and
    some body bumped into me, i was so ready
    to cus at him. i was like “you fuck-”
    and when i saw his face i was like omo..,-_-
    it was TOP lol he even said sorry in two language
    lol it was so cute…

  288. babyblue dnt lie..uu seri0usly met TOP?? =OO
    s0 luCky ><

  289. @babyblue

    no way you bumped into TOP??
    where in ny??

  290. seriously not lying, it true. it funny actually
    lol i blushed like crazy i had to bow to him like
    10 times. hehehe

  291. Hey, check out this cool parody of Lies XD

  292. stephanie said,

    May 13, 2008 at 5:38 pm

    erm hai bigbang i just wanted 2 know if i go 2 korean and i ask my cousin for backstage pass would u let me go in?~ becasue ima really a BIGGG fan and also i can get them becasue my cousin is the maneger of dongbangshinki and BoA and i asked my dad if i can get free stuff from other bands and he said yes.I hope u can let me BIGBANG~

    do you know if you say this yours dad all that can get yourself why you still ask us here ??? that is you lie, next sometimes must lie you you better ones devise to brag!!!

  293. hey will vllt jemand hier mit mir auf deutsch schreiben ???

  294. can anyone tell me if this address is for the YG entertainment because i wanna send them some audition videos
    (1) YG ENTERTAINMENT (for any YG Artists)
    서울시 마포구 합정동 371-26
    덕양빌딩 3층
    (South Korea) – [put the receiver’s name here]

  295. wait so,
    we just have to mail something and they’ll get it?
    is there another thing for e-mail
    cuz i saw this video of big bang checking there e-mails or something.

  296. do have any website or email address?? becoz i dunno korean…..

  297. may i know the official site please??

  298. i’m not sure, but iu think it’s

  299. wow/???//// is tshis real addresss??????
    thanks for sharing

  300. gd // yes 🙂

  301. R u really sure it’s the real address??? cause it could just be someone else’s just pretending 2 be them…well it’s worth a try…but i’m not sure..><

  302. Is bigbang’s E-mail theREAL@YGBB???

  303. hi evertbody..

    BB email :
    우편번호 121-829
    서울시 마포구 상수동 349-10
    호성빌딩 4층 (주)YG 엔터테인먼트
    (South Korea) – [put the receiver’s name here]

    is it right?

    there is all too much comment..
    im dizzy to read it all.. haha..
    so, sumbody can help me?
    coz i really want send a letter to them..! haha
    i wanna try it.. =p


  304. Big Bang is sooooo awesome
    eventhough i dnt speak and understand Korean well,
    * i jst knw a few basic phrases
    but due to fans who subbed BB vidoes and such
    i can really indulge in BB great songs and performances,sarang-hae,!

    *currently im learning some Korean on my own cos im too busy with my studies to get a proper korean class and i really hope that BB will come down and do a concert or smthing in Malaysia,i’d come fer sure..C:

  305. so..seems like know one still doesn’t know if this is the real address or not. Has anyone tried sending anything to it??

  306. BB email, anyone..??


  308. omg…
    i hope i can send them something..
    and when i go to korea hopefully they will still be there

  309. does anyone have send anything to them?
    & does anyone has been reply by Bb?

    when i get the chance >..<‘
    i think most of you are older than me O.O
    i’m 13 gonna be 14……
    bigbangluv….what’s this special program to go on the flights O.O
    though i know that my mom wouldn’t ever do this for me….but i’m still curious =D
    (it’s nice to meet everyone i Live in Iowa….but from Florida lol =))

  311. about the myspaces, someone asked who drives, and the answer was seunghyun drives, makes ya think its fake. they still are a little bad at eng, but someone might just be doing that deliberately. if they are fake, then lexy+all of their other friends are fake

  312. I was wondering if you could send them like a package through this address. But I was wondering if someone could answer a question I have.

    Me and my friends wnated to send them a dvd we’re gonna make but I know that the dvd regions are different. Can you watch dvds from the US in S. Korea? Becuase the dvd range in S. korea is 3 and the US is 1 :[[[

    I really want it to work but I’m not sure/

  313. connieeek// yes you can send it to that address. About the dvd region, if im not mistaken, i think all dvd players especially in asia, has standardize the player/system where it will be able to read from any region. I ordered a few times, dvds from us and yes i can watch it from my player. So i think there should be any problem for that matter..

    -BiGBanG-// my friend went to the office to send our valentine gifts for the boys. so yeah…its she’s she knows way more than me

    meyo// the address is correct

    I ♥ Tae-Yang…^^ // bb email address isnt available for public

  314. oh my gosh
    im going to sennd whole bunch of email to them
    if thats the right address

  315. can sumone tell me wat exactly SNSD said about Big Bang?

  316. is there any way to email them?

  317. is there a way by email on the website?
    thanks for reply!

  318. ommmmmmg i’m like about to faint. OMMG OMMMG OMMMG OMMMG OMMMG :]]]

    aaahhh finalllllly. thankssomuch for sharing. you’re the best :]

  319. hey please if someone know big bang`s real adress please tell me and send me please please please
    my email is

  320. do they have like an email???? cause I’m not Korean but i am Asian, i still love their music!!! can anyone give me like an email address or something???? Well mostly an email address to seungri!!! ❤

  321. do they have like an email???? cause I’m not Korean but i am Asian, i still love their music!!! can anyone give me like an email address or something???? Well mostly an email address to seungri!!! ❤ my email is

  322. Hi, I´m from mexico and i want a site when found information of Big Bang, how song´sa and more, Bueno me gustaria mucho, pues busco una comunidad Big bang en mexico, ok, Thanks..

  323. May i know when’s the next Big Bang concert in Seoul as i want to fly over from Hong Kong to watch it? Would highly appreciate an answer or estimate. Thanks. Jeanne (from Hong Kong)

  324. hey does seungri have like a myspace or anything that i can use to contact im? Because I’m from U.S.A. in California and it’s kind hard for me to write in Korean. But i am Asian just not Korean. can anyone tell me anyway i can contact him besides mailng a letter half way around the world? Like an email address to big bang or myspace or anything??

  325. I second every word Samantha ^ said. However, I’m seriously doubting they’ll give us an email…just because, you know? XD My friend’s from Korea. She came when she was 9. Not sure if she knows how to write it…however, I’m scared to ask her since…I don’t know I’m just shy. XD

  326. hey meikim82 why don’t u ask her?? i mean what’s so shy about i mean u can just ask her for a help. and thanks for backing me up.

  327. iLOVEseungri

    but i still like bigbang

  328. do we have to put their real names or can we put down nicknames

  329. uh.
    is this address even real? o_o

  330. Hellouu Big Bang !<3 i’m Ni and i’m 16 year old.
    I from in vietnam and i live in finland.
    I listen to your music everyday and I want pleas Big Bang come to finland Hartwall Arena u all have many fan in finland cozz my friend Heidi and everybody is your big fan 2
    If you are friendly so u all can add my e-mail ( ;D
    I’m your fan forever & always !!!
    Big Bang your are best of the best in my heart!!!
    I LOVE BIG BANG !!! <3<3<3
    I LOVE T.O.P ! <3<3<3

    LOVE HIS SONGS!! i hate to say this but i love so munch !!
    i cant help it and i want to see you one day!!!
    “LOOK AT ME”.






  332. bigbang is vip.i like bigbang.i hope bb will cone to viet nam

  333. wow, is this really it?

    have you sent them a letter yet?
    i’m thinking to, real soon.

    i still have questions regarding this,
    so you would write the korean address on top and the english version of it (i guess you could say that)
    on the bottom of it??

    and then of course you put your home address and name right?

  334. would there be any way of emailing them?

  335. i mean.. yea i know.. they probably wouldnt give an email
    cuz of spams and stuff.. but i’m from canada.. and it’ll
    be sorta expensive and stuff to send something half way
    round the world..
    but just saying

    big bang <33

  336. Hi… sawaddee ka .. I’m mim , I’m from thailand…

    I like bigbang very much, I hope them will come back to thailand

    again . for show concert of them ..

    fithing fithing…

  337. i love big bang sooo mcuh. they are all so cute. i wish i knew them in 2006 because they came to ny to have a concert. i wish i was they. there wasn’t that many people. awww man. i guess the only way now is to go to one of thier concerts in korea.

  338. i love you big bang!
    i love you alot g.d!
    ur mah hot Boifriend!
    i love yall all!
    please write back!
    love yALL boys!

    -christy lor
    i love g.d! Kwon Ji Yong


  340. why is there a password for the downloads section?

  341. i know right i mean i knwo there’s been some problems but them why do you have t put a password for it?

  342. HEY WHOSE IDEA WAS IT TO HAVE A PASSWORD FOR THE BIG BANG DOWNLOADS SECTION??? ARE YOU TRYING TO KEEP OUT OTHER FANS? WHAT IS THE PASSWORD? Dont you want other fans of the boys to access their fantastic performances??? DONT BE LIKE THIS, DONT BE CRUEL!!! this site is the only reason I turn on my computer sometimes…you should be SHARING this, isnt this the reason this website was created in the first place???????

  343. uhm, i don’t wanna sound stupid or mean or anything, but do i have to write it in korean or could i write it in english?

  344. how many stamps do you need to get it to korea btw ?

  345. hi to all vipz here! im a 21 year old Big Bang fan from Turkey. I’d like to send them presents/gifts by the address above.
    But im not sure if it’s only for fanmails and letters? does it really reach them?
    TOP and Dae Sung are my fave boys from Big Bang! and i love G-Dragon too. reading some comments above made me upset though. i thought GD was sweet to his fans, hope those are not true. cause love his funny and nice personality.

  346. i am most definately gonna try this out one day =D

  347. OMGGGGG!! I hope it works because my friend just went to korea in the summer and went to meet lots of bands like dbsk, super junior…

    she also saw this site and send something over there too. -_-
    I wish I was her!!

  348. hi i’m fan of BigBang from Mongolia i want to contact members of BigBang i also wish they to come to mongolia.hihi i think Victory is the most cute lovely member.How can i contact them pls help me guys

  349. hi i’m from malaysia
    it is the real address??/
    well.i dunno how to write letter in korean
    somebody can tell me
    big bang’s email??/

  350. did any body try sending a letter to big bang ? do u guys think they will get the letter ? if they do then i want to send them a letter to.

  351. please tell me if u know a site to buying big bang t shirts.

  352. HI BIG BANG?

  353. oh tnx,,, that imformation is really helpful but dang i cant send them mah letters even if i wanted 2 b’cuz i know mah parents would ask me about it and they will keep teasing about it too haha,,, but anywayzZ i will just wrote it in a paper and keep safe hehe,,,

  354. omg. hi, big bang. i was just wondering how i can get the jerseys that top and v were wearing in the pictures. they are the white ones.

  355. Heyy, Im going to make this as un-idiotic sounding as I can.
    Well obviously im a huge fan of BB. I would like to send them a notebook. But I dont know how to write in Korean. I mean I know a few key words. but Would it be ohkay if I just did a lot of it in English? do you think they’d mind?


  356. name is khulan.G-dragon,Seungri,Daesung are beuatiful,nice kiss boy is.

  357. hehhe
    did thed they will reply my mail????
    i still wondering how much stamp i need to send my mail to them…..(and how expensive it was)
    but i wanna try this…..

    loving seunghyuns

  358. geez why did u guyz take it s0 hard? juz believe that d mailing add of YG Ent is true…evrythg ab0ut Big Bang thru YG Ent add will d0… (i’ve d0ne it b4 4 DBSK thru SM Ent add & they g0t it!^___^)
    ab0ut d e-mail add, i’ve been l00king 4 it 2 but we all shud n0e b0ut this rite? i d0n’t think it’s 0pened 2 public(unless u r lucky en0ugh 2 get it fr0m Big Bang themself!@___@) & definitely their 0fficial website is in k0rean…!_____! (well can’t it b in english 4 their internati0nal VIPs??) n either way 2 c0ntacting them was thru UFO(if i’m n0t mistaken?) c0z i read s0mewhere ab0ut Seungri’s reply(he still l0ves XIAH JUNSU s0 much till n0w!^___^) this early year i guess…(i can’t remember d links & definitely i can’t write anythg c0z it’s in KOREAN!@____@)
    but we can write 2 them in english 4 sure! they shud understand even it’s very limited(juz like me !__!),c0z they sang english s0ngs rite? n yeah “I L0VE U” will perfectly d0…lols

  359. I LOVE BIG BANG!! I am black and from the U.S and my family always ask y i listen to korean music when im actually learning chinese. its cuz groups like big bang make me go crazy! they are soooo hot (expecially TOP). Does anyone know of good sites that have alot of stuff on big bang and with english subs? or even chinese subs? (i can read characters or pinyin) All i find is youtube stuff but i end up watching the same things over and over again. Please let me know if you guys know of any! O and is it true that bigbang is coming to america? I was on All and it said that they may have a couple concerts in the U.S in 2009. I hope so! I live in OHIO and i doubt they will come here, cuz there arent many koreans in Cleveland, but I will fly to wherever they are just to see them!!!!!!!! i dont care how long it takes. I just wanna hear them sing! (and wanna see TOP in person) So if you guys know anymore info on bigbang or websites where i can watch interviews and concerts (with chinese or english subs-mainly enlgish) please let me know!!!!!!

  360. I LOVE TAE YANG!!!! He is the best. I love the other members too, but he’s my favorite. I’m from Ohio, too and I’m black and I know not one word in Korean, but I love their music. I really hope they have their concert in America, because I would love to see them live. Well, I really wanna see Tae Yang, but seeing the other ones is okay too. PLEASE COME!!! lol

  361. Soy de Peru ha pesar que soy un adulto soyfanatico por la musica Kpop y en una de mis paginas comercilaes añadi un anexo dedicado a videos de Kpop de los artista conocidos pro en una secion esta Big Bang mi hija me dice tan mator papa y eo que tu espiritu es de un joven de 20 pero asi son las cosas espero llegar a Korea el proximo año con mi familia e ir a conocer y asistir a un concierto con mi familia. Para Todos Carlos Vasquez

  362. Ich mag wircklich BB sehr

  363. is this address still the same or has it been updated because i wanna make sure most of my letters get to them. so if u could….let me know…I LOVE YOU BIG BANG! SRSRSRSRSRSRSRSR!!!

  364. Oh my god this is amazing~ THANK YOU SO MUCH~ But they probably get so many fanmail they dont check all of it

  365. i know taeyang’s blog on cyworld. im pretty sure that it’s his real blog cause during the signing up process, REAL name and the korean citizen ID are required so users can’t give the fake name and ID and if users don’t follow the rules, they’ll be in jail. this site is quite strick.

    i know only taeyang’s cyworld address. i dont know the others. i think taeyang is the only one who makes his own blog. there’s been no updating since i went to his blog(it’s almost one year already hahah. he might been busy)

    ohhh and TOP’s sister also makes her blog too

  366. wow you serious?

  367. hey BB! i don’t know u understand me everything that i write to u coz i’m no good at English hahaha. i live in Thailand. First, i saw u when i wacth the channel in UBC in Thailand. “Lie” is the first i listened ur song. i’m really look up to u all. After, i tell to ma friend WOW! she like u all too. she love T.O.P. and i love Dea-sung at first sight that i told u. i hope u comeback to Thailand for show concert again coz i didn’t go to that concert T_T ===>>> Now, i listenning ur song in ur album “REMEMBER” i like all especially “Strong baby” and track 7 in ur album that u sing …everything gonna be alright right… i love so much. Last, i don’t know how to contact u but i know i wait for ur every song that u make for me and fans BB VIPS. Love u all ^^

  368. Thank’s for sharing (: Since i don’t kow a slick of Korean(cause where I live doesn’t offer any Korean classes x__x at least none that I can find) IS it okay if I write to them in English? :\ LOL
    I hope they can understand if I do decide to write them something.

    But i bet they get flooded with SOOO much fanmail that they can’t get through all of them D:

  369. Is this real? Someone here sent a letter? Omo! i wanna do it hehehe thanks for sharing! Big Bang rlz 😉 yo!

  370. heys, i was wondering, how can i read all the earlier posts and updates about big bang on this site? cos i only see links to the latest ones. i dont know how to get to those posts that were up say, 2007? so i was wondering how i can do that. is there a ‘previous’ button somewhere or something? i would really appreciate some help. ^^;

  371. hey 😀
    does any one have their email ?
    anyway if you do can you sent them to

  372. woooaah! Dont they just have at least like a email instead??
    haha i loove Big Bang there such good singers(not just there good looks =/)

  373. does any one ever try to send mail to BigBang and did they reply you back?
    If yes please tell me ,so we will know that this address is real or not please please tell!!!!

  374. thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  375. Btw,,can they read english? lol

  376. is this their house mail or a center??
    does it stil work????? lol.

  377. thank for the contact details…. is it their apartment????

  378. has anyone contacted them and got a reply? if you have please post your answer thanks

  379. wat…??!!!
    i don’t knw how 2 write in Korean…!!! T_T

  380. i was wondering if anyone did send them a letter and it they got a letter back. and also, where it says to put the reciever’s name do i just put big bang?

  381. Big Bang i have something to ask you about are guys looking for a new members? my name is khulan i live in USA am good at dancing and i am in choir class and good at singing in english and i am a girl my neck name is khu-khu my friends give it to me. big bang if you guys like to talk to me pls e mail me.

  382. i want……….
    i’m indonesian.

  383. hi , i just found this site…quite impressive…..i lso want to send a letter to big bang . does any1 sent the letter??? i just want to express how great they are and hoping they have a great career ahead.

  384. hi, i found this site few days ago and its very interesting…..actually i rly like top dats y m rly eager to join this site …..hope 2 send BB my love……i luv u top……..

  385. this year,after i’ve got this address,i sent a letter to them.
    but i didn’t know whether they had received it or not.
    if anyone have any info,let me know.

  386. i found this site recently & i love it cuz they updated abt BIGBANG pretty fast translating in English^^.
    i live in California, US & i tried the GDRAGON’s site, failed miserably without Korea ID so at this point i’m one sad girl but since i got their address here, i’m going to send GDRAGON a love letter… o wait>.<, a fan mail to him like right now, hehe.
    just thinking it makes me hella HAPPY!!!!
    i with GD the best<33 i think he’s going through some rough thimes now with everything going on in YG ent.!
    i mean by debut of 2NE1, BB’s Japan tour real soon, GD never stop working since his debut-since 2006-, all kinds of stupid/false rumors that just never die down, and GD’s solo album has been delayed to August of this yr, etc, etc.
    well, i beg GD not to care abt those things too much for now & have a GREAT time in Europe & come back with that BEAUTIFUL SMILE of his^*^!!
    i think GDRAGON is one amazing talent with right attitude. i read BB’s book & very impressed by all but especially GD’s.
    HE IS A HARD WORKING MAN!!! like he sings in one of his song<33
    thanks everybody who post the news on this site^^.

  387. one question~ what do u mean by like ‘put the reciever’s name here’? PLEASEEE reply fast someone! i wanna send a letter…..

  388. Do they have emails at all?

  389. i was just wonderinq if they have a email address 😀

  390. big bang x] belated happy 1000th day since debut.. thank you for making us (the VIP’s) really happy! i wish u more luck in ur career. and i hope u won’t stop on making us happy. we will support the BIG BANG as long as we can! thank you.. GOD BLESS. big bang hwaiting^^,

  391. idk about emails…but they have an official Big Bang website where they reply to ALL the FANS that write to them; BUT it’s only a Korean site so BIG bummer for non-korean fans 😦 but good thing for me i can read a bit of korean so not that big of a deal for me. LoL

  392. if i write the address in english, can the postman still send it to big bang?
    please write back.

  393. its not real they move house alot because they get alot of fans.
    im sure it just goes to there work place.
    i’ve tried i korean&english..
    it dunt w0rk i’ve waited for 6m0nth.
    i sent it to g’dragon nd tae yang.

  394. Is the address actually real? Did anyone try?!




  396. Their e-mail address is :
    official.. I took it in their official website 😀

  397. Again in their website.. their address is :
    서울시 마포구 합정동 371-26 덕양빌딩 3층 (주)YG 엔터테인먼트
    우편번호 121-884

  398. I hope i go to Korea soon again to meet my family… and BIG BANG! HAHAHAHA!

  399. can anyone help me, i’m too dizzy to read all this texts . . . are you people asking for their e-mail address or home address? . . . n if you are telling the truth, i want both, but i’m worried, can they reply in english? (just asking not mocking) please help me . . .

  400. my e-mail is, so please send it, I want any of their e-mails or what ever. . . but mostly the one i want is Taeyang’s . . .(^-^). . . so, can you guys help. . .and by the way, this is a cool way to be friends and contact the other fans. . . bye2

  401. sorry wrong e-mail it’s . .

  402. I am going to send a letter to them. They are so hot.

  403. do they reply our message? 😮

  404. hey , i found out that BIGBANG has their own account in facebook . idk is real or not , but it seems real as they reply msgs and even chat w their members in facebook .

  405. @ziting
    r u serious.?

  406. if this is real imma send them a big fat latter lols… hehe VIP till the end^^

  407. @iluvTOP
    yah , but now theres one more group , also named as jiyong , TOP’s real name (i forgotten) , seungri and yongbaedong(taeyang) chatting , but not so often like the ones i added .

  408. @ziting.
    owh. if u don’t mind, can u give me the link. 😀

  409. @iluvTOP
    you want it through email or here ? (:

  410. @ziting.
    owh, here’s my email.

    thankz a lot.

  411. is that the real address? you guys have facebook?

  412. @daedae
    i’m not sure , but i think it is cos their talking to each other through facebook .

  413. to ziting
    omg!!serious?? can you give me the link too for the facebook account pleaase

  414. @t.o.p’s-girl
    You want me to send you via email or ?

  415. sure, heres my email:
    thanks loads!!(((:

  416. @Ziting – can you please send me the facebook link to?

  417. It’s so hard to contact them. Especially when there’s such a language barrier. Could someone post the contact in English because I couldn’t copy it down. It made my little American head spin reading all that lol.

  418. can u send me the facebook link too?! omg please please please!

  419. may i know big bang members’ email???

  420. i agree with u t-sya. i want their e-mail too.

  421. hi every one!
    ah i’m a big fan of BIG BANG
    i really need to know T.O.P email adress!! help me please!!! :((

  422. hi i’m a new member here and i’m a big fan of big bang. 😀
    i just love them. hehe!

  423. ..I dont get it! XD
    If I want to write to Big Bang, then how do I do it?
    Oh..and will they send one back???! XD Just kidding.
    Some1 help me!

  424. i will send them letter but somebody have they email..can someone give it to me… my email is

  425. hmmm hi iam new here ^^ is this umm the real address??
    because if it is it would be really cool…. does anyone know theyre email address especially Jiyongs one or something?? hmm it would be nice to have them.. please just leave a message if someone has them..^^ my email is

  426. i wish my cuz was here to see this she would’ve been like oh my fuckin god big bang! anyone wanna talk to a party animal just
    add me. My email is

  427. i love your band big bang somuch

  428. what do you mean by [put reciever’s name here] ? don’t you just have to put Big Bang there?

  429. I Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove baby G-Dragon.
    Lovely GD fighting!!!
    Happy brithday my Love.
    Always be happy & fresh.
    I hope someday I will see U & KISS U!!!!
    GD,U R so amazing.I LOVE U forever & in every moment of my life!

  430. Could you make it in English?
    So what’s the address there’s a lot up there…


  432. T.O.P I LOVE YOU

  433. Is this really? I really want to meet them or in anyway. Please tell me also g-dragon’s blog.. I really like them, especially T.O.P and G-Dragon!

  434. انا احب توب كثيرا وله شهرة هنا ايضا بالمملكة العربية السعودية
    i love you t.o.p >>>>> mnoor


    asian artist from america to korea…let’s show some support

  436. i am soo in love with big bang!!!
    i hope the mail is correct….
    i hope i can meet Big Bang in real life…
    i can’t wait to go Korea this disember!!!
    i love TOP and Seung Ri very much!!!
    By the way,i’m from malaysia…^^

  437. hi!
    i’m about to send them gift,
    i’ve write d address as u give,
    but d main probs now is,
    the delivery ask for phone no.
    they says that it’s their policy~to ensure item safely arrved..
    what shud i do now then??!
    i dont hv any YG no.

    btw,i’m from malaysia too.
    are going to korea for real this dec?
    i envy u!!

  438. hi.
    can u gve me their facebook link?!
    email me @

  439. Omg no so send stuff to them on their birthday.LOL.


  441. Is that a real mail?..
    I always want to send SeungRi Hyung a letter to say what I think…
    Hyung is why I learn Korean… I live in Vn – where BB never come.. But from bottom of the heart, I always wanna meet SeungRi hyung

  442. lol i kinda think this is real.. i searched it on google maps and actually showed a specific building and it showed its name on the side sayin YG entertainment soo,… go send?? lol. dont believe me? just fix the address logically. well idk i might be wrong.

  443. thanks for address. i’m gonna try sending something soon, it’s worth trying right? it would be great if they get it, if not i’m sure whoever opens it will be happy…

  444. just sent e-mail to that hanahime03 gave, fingers crossed it’s real…

  445. hi !! Do you know the address of YG ‘s office in Seoul ? I know you wrote it but it’s for mailing bigbang or any other artist but I would like the main address of YG !!!

  446. hi !! Do you know the address of YG ’s office in Seoul ? I know you wrote it but it’s for mailing bigbang or any other artist but I would like the main address of YG !!!

  447. hey i have a blog called 2ne1 and Big bang i am kinda new so i am not that updated but io am lonely so could just come and check it out i would be very greatful!

  448. anyone tried it bfore?(South Korea) – [put the receiver’s name here] i dun understand tat =)

  449. 훨씬 좋아 당신 집에 방문하려면, 그들은 모두 좋네요. vaveๆๆๆๆๆๆ


  450. thanx for all the infozz ! 😀
    but one question tho is it possible for you to find out their real email address so i can like send them letters and just write them random mails ? lol

    thanx heaps, get back at me asap 🙂

  451. that’s so great

  452. that video is so funny.:))=))

  453. i just an info from other site ..
    as far as i remember ..
    bigbang (not sure if all of them) is using a only 1 social network in net which is very popular in korea, the cyworld ..
    they announced that since wonder girls are using twitter ..
    they also said that bigbang isn’t using twitter ..
    that’s what i know ..
    so i think the accounts in facebook and myspace named bigbang(even the accounts named gd, top, v.i, dlite, sol) are a fan made ..

    hhmm .. that’s all .. haha :))

  454. – REPOST – haha!! ..

    i just found an info from other site ..
    as far as i remember ..
    bigbang (not sure if all of them) is using a only 1 social network in net which is very popular in korea, the cyworld ..
    they announced that since wonder girls are using twitter ..
    they also said that bigbang isn’t using twitter ..
    that’s what i know ..
    so i think the accounts in facebook and myspace named bigbang(even the accounts named gd, top, v.i, dlite, sol) are a fan made ..

    hhmm .. that’s all .. haha 🙂

  455. LAST CORRECTION!!! ..

    hahaha!! ..

    the one he (G-Dragon) with Dara of 2NE1 is ME2DAY!! ..


    Lucky for those korean V.I.P ..

  456. LAST CORRECTION!!! ..

    hahaha!! ..

    the one he (G-Dragon) with Dara of 2NE1 is ME2DAY!! ..


    Lucky for those korean V.I.Ps ..

  457. Can I write in English?


  459. how do u do this coz i dont really understand
    im not a korean

  460. thanks:D this is so exciting…im from the us and i reallllllllly want big bang to make their us debute like the wonder girls did this summer! i would be set for life if they finally released something in the us!

  461. omg!! me sooooo gonna go
    to korea when i grow up noww xD


  462. hello BIGBANG’s fan!!!
    im just accidentally ended up here while searching for bigbang’s info..hehe


  463. hey ,hello !to all that is great job for big bang fan. is it really mail of big bang ?I don’t think.

  464. if everyone here writes to them, will they have time to read? i hope they wont ignore our mails..

  465. hmm, i wonder how can international fans contact them ?!? if they can’t use Korean ?!? is there any e-mail address !?! i’m from Vietnam and really wanted to see them !!!

  466. the address above is real ! if you keep wonder and want to know, let’s check out tae yang’s myspace. he listed it in there, too.

  467. i luv big bang especially tae yang. my sis luvs gdragon.luv bbyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!<333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

  468. luv u tae yang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<333333333333333333333333333333333333

  469. I :X BIGBANG . when will you come to VN ?


    Saeng il chuk ha hae yo xD
    love you heapss hope you come to perth one day (although no one comes to perth 😦


  471. happy birthday seung ri,
    hope you have the best birthday you wished for
    and hope all of your wishes come true
    wishing you the best birthday ever 🙂

    love youu

  472. Saeng il chuk ha hae yo xD


  473. I have a question, if anyone’s willing to answer for me. Okay, if i write the address in Korean, would it still get mailed off to Korea from the u.s.a states? or do i have to put the address in English for the american postal service to understand it? I’m american and i’ve recently just fell in love with the group Big Bang every since i came across them on the net a few months ago.

    If anybody has the answer please let me know through email: or on here. Thank you 🙂

  474. […] also updated the mailing addresses where you can send whatever you want to BIG BANG or any YG Artist, as well as your Audition […]

  475. Thanks to whoever created this website. It simply is great…..
    But it needs more T.O.P or Tempo…which way you like it…Bye…Haha !

  476. Happy Birthday Seungri! Liked your antics in the coffee prince parody. The others were also fantastic especially T.O.P and maybe
    G-dragon. Go to http://www.BESTUFF.COM

    tODAY I ASK a important question
    Is the address really real ?

  478. wait for the auditions and stuff do you need to know korean? like you gottuh’ speak flent???????

  479. I am unreadable this web site’s contents, you give riches to me go back to address information G-Dragon. liaison friend give address to me pass off thư điện tử back:

  480. wait so is this the new address of the yg headquarters?
    that means yg moved to the new building that he hired people to build, right?

  481. I sent one in the summer . . . Still waiting i guess. *sigh* Haven’t gotten one back yet. 😦

  482. do the members of big bang know how to read english?

  483. omg thank you for posting the fanmail addy I was searchin for this all the time ^^

  484. she’s so lucky !


  486. is this real adress??have anyone sent a fan letter to bigbang in this adress???

  487. is it real? do they send letters back to you?

  488. is it the real address? have they changed the address? because yg entertainment has changed locations so i was wondering if the address have changed

  489. Good Luck ~

  490. do you think that they will understand my letter since its in full english? i mean i know they know english but im scared that they wont understand most of my letter…

  491. there was given another address on this page:

    서울시 마포구 상수동 349-10 호성빌딩 4층 (주)YG 엔터테인먼트
    우편번호 121-829
    Seoul-si, Mapogu Sangsudong 349-10 Ho-sung building 4th floor YG Entertainment postal code 121-829 SEOUL, KOREA

    I just wanted to ask, which address is the right one?

  492. Nelly both addresses are right its just that 1 is in korean and the other one in english:P

  493. no I know that XD
    but this page shows another address in (above)

  494. Hi, thank you so much for this adress! ^^ I already wrote a letter in English but when I translate it from English to Korean and from Korean back to English some things are very different from what I mean. Sometimes it looks even like I say mean things in the letter but that’s absolutely not >.<'
    So I'm still looking for a good translator on the internet before I send it :')

  495. Will they reply back????

  496. I hope they write back but I don’t think they will 😦 And if you get something back it’s probably an standard message that they didn’t write personally.

  497. how to find big bang theory ?
    what is the use ?

  498. how to find big bang theory ?

    what is the use of feature ?

  499. hi my name is sok

    i guess im one of bb’s greatest male fans lol. um…idk wat to say. well to start off, which of the addresses are real..? plus if anybody knows their email addresses or anything, plz email me at
    the email i want the most is dong youngbae aka tae yang but i dont really care.


  500. hi! my name is tina. i love you big bang. im a big fan of big is my if u no big bang email can u tell n some of u can add me too. ehehh! nice 2 meet u ^_^ from tina_nguyen


  502. Hi, i ever talk with Jiyong but idk he’s real or no. I found his twitter then he gave me a messenger for BB then when i talk by YM, he also said he has twitter and gave me the same page. Hmm idk he’s real or no^^
    Then i found his official page, he said only taeyang and him are have english myspace page. But i still doubt hmmm

  503. I was wondering if you could give me the messenger for BB? If you are willing thank you<3^^

  504. i’m gonna go here! LOLs;P
    {i wiSH!}

  505. but think it goin to take forever for them to sent you back a message because i think they have so many message but…

  506. I wish I knew how to right and speak Korean then I could give Big Bang a message

  507. Very great read! Really!

  508.’s done it once again! Incredible post.

  509. I heard YG Office has been moved to a new site this year. I am concened if the old address still works or not. Anybody knows the latest info.?

  510. It would be great if they wrote back ^^

  511. is this their real email? i got if from their website but they posted it back in 2006.

  512. Sorry for double post but, i found out there is another email too? and
    Are they real?

    I got the first email from their Japanese official website & the other from their Korean website.

    LOL did anyone sent a message or fan mail to them before? XD

  513. the best my wish is chat with T.0.p but i can’t speak E well . help me!!!;huhu

  514. Anyone help me?
    im 13 years of age and i dont speak atall Korean, i live in england all i know is german,spanish,polish and french to be honest i hope to learn korean. I love listening to BIGBANG all the time! Well would they be able to understand me if i wrote in english or not?

  515. 제 동생이 언어를 배울 수있다. (한국어) 그리고 그녀는 말했다, 내가 기대해서는 안이나 답변을 기다립니다.우리 언니는 너무 그녀가도 한국어 문자에이 편지를 번역 귀찮게 나를 사랑.난 큰 한방의 모든 노래를 사랑 해요. 내가 언제 슬퍼 난 그냥 노래 안녕하세요 들어요. 그것은 정말 내 기분 좋아합니다. 그대가 내 동생을 알게 그래, 그것이 당신에게서 응답을 위해 불가능하다 “빅뱅”난 아직 하나를받을 내 손가락을 건너하다고 말하는 것입니다. 난 그녀의 잘못을 증명할 싶어요. 당신과 행운을 주셔서 감사합니다. 추신 : 제 noona는 … 나는 그녀를 사랑한다(My sister said to learn your language. (Korean) and she also said, that i should not expect nor wait for a respond.My sister Loves me so much that she even bother to translate this letter to Korean characters.I love all the song of Big bang. when I’m sad i just listen to the song HELLO. and it really make my mood good. Thou I know my sister is right, by saying that it impossible for a respond from you “Big bang” i’m still crossing my fingers to recieve one. i want to prove her wrong. Thank you and good luck. P.S My noona is…I LOVE HER)

  516. It seems like The “BIG BANG” themselves doesnt know about this site. and maybe they are that busy to see and read all of this messages. it will be cool if they gey to answer each comments here. specialy the one PH DIAZ requested. 🙂

  517. waaaaaaaaaaa
    nos encantan sus videos mas los de haru haru y la la la
    se nos cai loa baba cadea qe vemos sus videos somos sus grandes fans mexicanas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    como quisieramos conocerlos ,cuando vienen a mexico_______
    ojala y nos respondan queremos verlos
    pronto nos gusta como se visren son geniales ojala leean esto algun dia
    los amamos asta luego bye

  518. anyeong..!!!
    i’m from malay..
    n i’m d exstrem V.I.P..

  519. i love u… G-Ri:)

  520. i love you t.o.p very very goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood and

    i like g.drogon and tea yang.oh what your name t.o.p????????

  521. I simply love Big Bang. I identify a lot with them. Both in style as the music in dance, and each has a personality, I admire that.

  522. i love bing bang. ilove themmmmmmmmmmmmm. soooooooooo muchhhhhhhhhhh

  523. me encanta me gusta su musica es lo mejor es genial,fenomenal sigan adelante que les baya muy bien en el futuro

  524. omg!!!i can’t believe this…..
    it’s not my dream right????
    btw,hi top…lurve u so much!!!!

  525. my lovely….when can they come to malaysiaa????

  526. Hi girls !!! I’m new here and I want to ask is this real address or not… I draw them in a big paper ,but don’t know if I send it or not… and if they will see it … I’m hungarian live in Serbia. Know 4 languages … Germany,English,Hungarian and Serbie..want to learn korean too…but maybe latter … My dream is just to meet them,but it’s hard . Love to meet new people . Please just want to know if this a real address. love all fans … of BB … and I have BB forum you can joy if you want it’s I love SEUNGRI ❤

  527. Hello guys! I’m new here! I can’t talk english clearly actually.. korean too..(i’m Malay) I’m your fanatic fan and i’m really want BB come to Malaysia…


  529. i am a new big bang fan from va! i have been searching a way to contact them! so is this address real? please someone answer me!
    also i was reading the comments all the way on the top of the page…does GDragon really have a blog? if he does what is it?
    i really love these boys, they are very talented each of them and they make me laugh watching them! i love them and i am now a VIP fan!
    big bang fighting!
    please can u answer my question
    thank you.. u are doing a really good job with the fan page!

  530. 친애하는 bigbang, I Love You guys alot! 너희들은 성격. 놈들의 재능이 tremendeous.하고 좋은 시간!도, 행운을 BIGBANG!너희 놈들은 수 있을 NOVATO, 수는 없겠죠. 사랑을 만나! 에서, 베일리에서는!Please Email me!

  531. ……..

  532. its the add for real?and does bigbang have email? 🙂

  533. I like the way they sing their song. They all handsome. of course I like Kwo leader or better known as G-Dragon

  534. Cn i pleasssse have your yahoo messenger .bigbang rullllllleeeesss…especially G DRAGON AND T.O.P lovee the fashion!

  535. I wish big bang would come to australia but they probs never will cause there are ‘not enough fans’. there are over 9000.

  536. Big Bang yooooo crazy group i love big bang. BB is my life. I’m from mongolia

  537. AAwesome ! 🙂 Wait For My Maill . I LOVE YOU GUYS. !
    I Might Get 1 of u guys shirt ! 🙂

  538. BigBang’s music is like a drug to my ears I cannot stop listening to them!!!

  539. I wish that they would come to America!! Have a world tour… that would be nice. 😀

  540. hello thank’s 4 the adress! i would send a letter! thanks!!!!

  541. I’m so glad I get to finally talk to them. Well… not actually talk to them but to write to them. They are awesome!!!!

  542. Come to America please!!!!!!!


  544. hi!

  545. umm yhu say that they “prefer” to have it in korean…but if you write it in english will they NOT deliver it?…im just wondering….please reply (:

  546. i wonder if the letters actually get read by the guys?

  547. hi big bang if this is really you anyways i rely love yhu guyz a lot i made a scrapbook of yhu guyz and i listen to ur songs a lot and no offense but top’s my favorite but u know i love all of you equally anyways im just sayin hi and hope u reply back to me im an asian im cambodian! Anyways “BIG BANG” 4 life!..

  548. ; Hi 🙂
    This adress is correct ? I’ve seen two addresses to send letters, now I’m confused :/


  550. I really want to write a letter for Daesung since the news of the motorcyclist death came out, is it possible to send them a letter in english? If I do send them a letter in english, will they get someone to translate it, then give it to them to read?

  551. Hey, guys how is it going. My family sucks, i wish i could be with you guys right now. I would be a great addition to your team I love music and i am in the prosecess of learning Korean and i am learning by listening to you guys sing. Oh and T.O.P Oppa, I love your music. And I am not the biggest rap fan, your the only rap I listen to.

  552. And DaeSungie Oppa, stay strong. You did nothing wrong. It was an accident, that is why they call it a accident. Remember that your fans love you, and i love you ok. We will all be there for you DaeSungie Oppa.

  553. hi big bang,
    i’m a big fan of you guys. i’m from singapore. your songs has inspire me in life….. you guys are the best

  554. hi big bang,
    i’m also one of your million fans. your group is so cool and i love your songs. keep it up guys and hope to hear more songs from you!!

  555. and also sir T.O.P, love your rapping skills and music!

  556. Hi,big bang,
    i’m also one of your million thousand fans.i’m very like big bang band
    i hope you come again to malaysia coz i’m very want to meet you guys..
    top oppa,gd oppa,tae-yang oppa,seunggri oppa and deasung oppa
    always fighting to sing a new song..
    sarangheo BIG BANG

  557. do they didn’t have any email ?? i really really want to send them a tons of mail,LOL

  558. 😀

  559. Please what is the BB email?

  560. TOP ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3 you ARE SEXY!!!!!!!!!! does top have a thing for white girls??? *crosses fingers*


  562. pie^^

  563. asdfafkflsdklkajsdfhlkjsdfhlksjegtiaugfdksjbvlksjdfabglkjsbgaksjdfbglkfjbvgasdkjbgal;skdjgbsldkjbga;sdtugioerubgfak;jsdb;kjsdb;sjkdvb vnkbfsk;jabg;kjtrh;aoutgb;rojbgljdfsabg;ljdrbg;lsdjbgsldjbgaoser;ubg;awoubgro;rsbjg;arkbsdv;kljagb;kjb;asgdjklb;ksjadbg;jabgruobg agrjxcfj;bg;gsrh;ouagr;ojb;fjsdbg;asfjklbgfao;ubgrourwabgjsadg;kljgas;jlsg;aoibgs;rljbgfs;ajklbgfa;jbgrsuobwa e;ljbds;kljbvgc xnv vfjbgsjrgbraubgwru;gbj;sfabgj;skjsdbg;kjagb.jakl;sdgkbj;parougbpsrobjugd;sakljbgas;kljabgsf;jklfbhpighsragjb8g.9j,b21546sadgkbhjgfsaf.,njbgsa.jbga;sdjklbaf;sdljbsfl;jbg;alsfjbgfas;ljdfjbfas;ioghar;obg;lajfd vglkfng;lsfja;gljbfa;gjb;dkfjbg;ajkbg;asfjkbgj;b jiberish *peace out*

  564. hye!
    ignore me…hahaha:)

  565. Hello, I’m a foreign BIG BANG fan. 😀

    I read the VIP 4th official fanclub notice and have some questions regarding whether foreign fans can join the offcial fanclub.

    As you know BIG BANG received EMA this year and proved their popularity abroad. And we international BIG BANG fans had contributed a lot in EMA voting, and helped BIG BANG win the award.

    So we think it would be UNFAIR if the official fanclub VIP doesn’t allow forieign fans to join. As far as I know, the official fanclub of most Korean idols singers, such as 2NE1, 동방신기 and Super Junior, all accept foreign members.

    Therefore, I hope to hear an accepting answers to the following questions:

    1. Can foreigners (live abroad but HAVE a KOREA address) join the fanclub using their PASSPORT number?
    2. Can foreigners (live in korea and HAVE a KOREA address) join the fanclub using their 외국인 등록증번호?

  566. ummm??? i dunno i just wanna tell u guys this do not hurt my friends so contact them i’m not ur fan but my friends r so crazy about you so i’m telling u this

  567. Go to see(Visit) on facebook

  568. I’m trying to contact the web site but i can’t 😦 it doesn’t work 😛

  569. I cant find their email address anywhere but I want to send all of big bang an email (espically T.O.P.) to tell them how much they’ve inspired me to keep trying and reach my goals. I know it sounds lame but before I stumbled upon Big Bang I had completely given up on my dreams and wanted to raise baby bats for a living… Now I’m back on my feet and trying harder than ever to reach my goals. And it’s all thanks to Big Bang… But I guess sending them a letter is ok too :3

  570. Thank you so much for sharing this, lots of love for you~~ ❤ 😉

  571. could we e-mail them fan mail?

  572. wow i love Big Bang soooooo much and the songs are great =)

    greetings from Germany and me XD


  573. hey!!what’s up?man

    could we e-mail them fan mail? I FROM PERU!! I AM HAPPY OK FRIENDS.

    could we e-mail them fan mail? I FROM PERU!! I AM HAPPY OK FRIENDS.

  576. I wanna have the email of bigbang cause in one video they werw reading the letters of fans somebody know it?

  577. Heyy, i’m totally BIG fan of yours but i want to send you e-mail. Where i can find it??

  578. I had a big crush on Taeyang and T.O.P.. ❤ but them and the group are too busy… hm… one of the song i like is ''Bad Boys'' and ''Haru Haru''… they're the best. and I will be there number 1 best fan.. Lol.. its true 🙂

  579. someone knows their address ? pls. pls. pls. tell me ! i’m totally big fan of big bang especially GD .

    Big Bang Hwaiting ~~!

  580. hi im a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig fan of b.b and g.d toooooooooo i love g.d sooo much

  581. Is it true that u guys are coming to Mongolia this summer???

  582. TOP I LOVE YOU!!! MARRY ME!!!!

  583. Hey ! BIGBANG nice 2 meet u ^^

  584. ♥♥♥♥♥ i love u song, i love u voice, i love u so fun and crazy !!! never stop dreamind !!!!!!!

  585. U guys are amazing, and I like your songs a lot!!! Fighting, yeah!!! Go, go, go Big bang!!!

  586. Hi! i like all of your songs.i want to know from GD what his email address is. i want to see your team in the real life.if you come to my
    country,Myanmar, i can see you.i am waiting for your visiting to Yangon,Myanmar. My email address is

  587. Hi, my name is Kenny and i’m the head ambassador for rootz club kuala lumpur, malaysia.
    we would like to invite any of your artiste(s) to come to exclusive club whenever any of them are in malaysia.
    do email me if there are any queries from your side.
    thank you

  588. can i get big bang email?

  589. Top I love u so much..all bigbang”s song I love..Gambateh!!

  590. I love big bang! Especially TOP AND GD! Pls come to singapore soon! We love you guys! I want to get hold of th tickets to big bang concert in singapore. Any tips?

  591. GD is just the best! Daesung is always so sunny! TOP is so hot and so cool, Seung Ri is… nice ;P and Taeyang is yhh…so…devil
    …OMG! OMG! *v* love u all!!!




    From the Philippines :))

  593. g-dragon …… i hope you come to Brunei and meet me.. and please send me a message or call me 8698262 ! i hope you will call me ❤ GD

  594. g-dragon…. bring me to your concert ok!!!

  595. i love big bangs new song monster it is so awesome 🙂

  596. please reply big bang

  597. i wish i could fly to korea and see you guys or you can come to austrailia in victoria

  598. V.I oppa because of you i like Panda now. (i like dog before, but after i know about you, i starting get some interest in Panda. It’s cute anyway)
    you are the most cool magnaei’ve ever known 😀

  599. does this email really work,do they reply back

  600. i meant does the address really work or emial

  601. Oh, so you guys translate the YG auditions but not the fucking fanmail address?
    Fuck this shit then.

  602. Oh,I love Big Bang,I love GD,I can’t live without Big Bang!!!

  603. Hey, do have Big Bang’s emails, if u do, please send me their emails to
    that’s my email >.< thnx

  604. hay,big bang i hope you are all healthy and happy,
    i am ceering for u in sparta,wis ^^

  605. I love Big Bang very much….Luvluv!You guys rock.Every night i can;t sleep cuz of BB..Huh,i’m in lurve..Which also means love hahaha!!Any way Happy Birthday G-D!!Saranghaeyo!!

  606. big bang is the best

  607. We love big Bang in USA!!

  608. …especially GD 😉


  610. I love u big bang
    From ind.

  611. Hey.. 🙂 .. I’ve heard almost all the songs and I was all fine. Also I have seen almost all moments of band.. Spending lots of nice time .. I love bingbang .. ❤ Top.. i love you more :$ ❤
    from vivi

  612. Not in a million years i guess. None will reply best thing is probly will be replied by the stuff since i bet they have a super hectic schedule.

  613. Hey big bang I never when to concert plz send me one ticket vip I am your bigfan plz I do wanna see u guys I got no money don’t work I. Am korean girl

  614. i really like big bang of all korean group singers and the 1st korean songs i’ve heard is lollipop..that song make me obsessed with big bang..especially
    jiyoung oppa and seunghyun oppa 🙂 hehe

  615. GO BIG BANG !!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU !!!!!!!L LOVE THE FANTASTIC BABY SONG !!!!!!!!!!!!! BOOMSHAKLAKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  616. Hi! I Love BigBang!!!! Xxxx

  617. I really really want to go to the BigBang concert but me and my sister don’t have enough money to go! 😥

  618. I want gd’s blog!!!!

  619. I want you email me , whatever about bigbang news

  620. Can I have GD’s blog please!!!!!!!

  621. I really want to have all the BigBang members blog and facebook name i want to add them and talk to them!!.

  622. i want to hear daesung say fighting to me and i l o v e y o u to me~~

  623. Taeyang ! I Love his voice and I like him because you are talented being in rapper also with your dance . It’s to cute ! Can you say you love me back ? Please ? 🙂

  624. Is this the real address? I really want to contact them. they are so cool, If it is there real website, tell me kay? PLEASE!!!!

  625. those are real address?? i want to contact them.. p.s. i don’t think that’s a real adress, cause.. if everyone know bigbang address, totally everyone send their love letters, or anything else..

  626. jiyung oppaaaaaaaaaa how have you been ?

  627. Will they see what we write?? Anyway, Jiyong oppa, I miss you!!! Wish Big Bang have a happy new year!!!<3 And is this the real website…..I really want to contact them!! if it is the real website can you please tell me? if it is not, please give me the real website…..Tell me okay?? …..PLEASE~~!

  628. Please help me fulfil this small little wish……

  629. what is your phone number g dragon 😉

  630. i am 10 and i am a really big fan!!!!! X.O.X.O

  631. GD hyung .. I hope I can meet you .. I hope I can took pictures with you .. I hope I can watch your concert live .. I’m your Biggest Fans !! ❤
    when I watch your movies .. I got melted when I saw your face .. ❤ you're to cute .. to handsome .. sent my regards to Seungri , TOP , Daesung , Taeyang .. and aspecially to you .. Good Bye.. Annioseyo 🙂

  632. can i get your number phone please .. i begging you .. huhu 😉

  633. b

  634. BIGBANG <333333 GD And TOP <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

  635. hi

  636. hi

  637. Omg is the address real yg entertainment address???

  638. i dont think so this page is yg intertainment address i need some prove ..

  639. 🙂

  640. My name is Tyre, you all are an aamzing and astonishing band, I want to leave a scripture with you all to give you all some insight and encourgament. Joshua 1:9 Be courageous and strong. Do not suffer shock or be terrified, for Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go. Continue to muster up courage and remain bright in the sight of god who is merciful and abundant in loving kindness.

  641. hey thank you ? did u ever post anything to this address? i mean did they arrived safely to the big bang members? i just wondering how the YG crews will filtered the fan letters. or it depends on the members of big bang themselves to take the letters or not? hope u can answer me thank u ^^

  642. I love you bigbang<3

  643. i love you bigbang 🙂 ❤ ❤ ❤

  644. God bless always Yg entertaiment…

  645. i wish i could see Bigbang ,, especially G-dragon ! beacause every night before i sleep ,, i watch their songs in youtube especially badboy ! I am Filipina ! i love them to much !

  646. Thank you so much Choi for responding to my messsages, I want to share another scriptual thought with you all here at Deuternomy 31:6 which says, be courageous and strong. Do not be afraid or suffer shock before them, because Jehovah your god is marching with you. He will neither desert you, nor leave you entirely. Take this scripture to heart and stay strong and remain faithful and empowered. To contact me you can call 708-925-5714, or continue to send me messages through email. Again thank you so much I sincerely appreciate it and stay strong all of you all.

  647. I’m curious to find out what blog system you have been working with? I’m
    experiencing some small security problems with my latest blog
    and I would like to find something more safe. Do you have any

  648. is this the real one??

  649. Oh my god big bang, I love you all soo much. You all got cute faces especially G-dragon and Top is soo hot. You are all my favourites. Your songs are beautifully sang and you can all dance except from Top of course but I still love him deep In my heart. But to be honest I prefer G-D I love you!

  650. Hey there! I could have sworn I’ve been to this website before but after browsing through some of the post I realized it’s new to me.
    Anyhow, I’m definitely glad I found it and I’ll be book-marking and checking back frequently!

  651. I this thing real?

  652. How to contact bigbang ?
    I really want to contact them!!
    Please :(((

  653. How to change language into english ?

  654. Heyy! I’m a fan from AMERICA!!!! When are you guys coming here? I wish I could see you guys in concert but OOF! It probably costs a lot of money to get from here to South Korea, get tickets to your concert, then come back! Nah, I probably would stay in South Korea! I bet it’s awesome there! I’ve. Been trying to learn Korean! I can understand most of your lyrics now! But please respond in English, I’m still kinda sucky at it!!!!

  655. thanks for the address above, but it was updated as of year 2008, can anyone verify if it is still valid?

    I saw a youtube video of BB replying to emails, how do I send BB email,i would love very much to do so…. please tell me 😀

  656. A friend of mine showed me some Big Bang music videos and ITS thought they were awesome! And I’d really love to comtact them. I am hooked on they’re music and ITS am slowly learning some Korean. Please let me know how I an contact them.

  657. I need help people I know need big bangs address, they from serbia an they r asking me for help so can u please help me thank u

  658. or u can send it to me here.


  660. lolove you BigBang I’d like to keep in touch with you for a faure surpprise to my sister 19 years thank you
    ps:i love u GD

  661. my facebook is yasmine igor

  662. I would really like to know how I can email big Vang. Please help me. Thanks! 🙂

  663. Hi Big Bang I’m a huge fan and love to listen to your music. I think almost every one on here does but I love your music!! Can i get your address so i can send you some fan mail?!

  664. Anneyong Taeyang!
    I’m from Sweden but my parents are from Hongkong. Actually, Bigbang have so many fans here. My classmates are from sweden and they love you too. And you havent been here in Sweden yet. I would to anything to make you have a concert here. You and Bigbang are so popular here! 6/10 can play Your song Wedding Dress on piano. Please come to Sweden! We’re waiting for you!
    사라해요 ❤
    Best Regards: Fion. Hope you can make every girls dream come true!

  665. VPNs are designed to resist even direct hacks, and are used by many government organizations and large companies to keep hackers or other
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    a website that works as the middle man in a workplace or school.
    Still, it usually works well for an occasional

  666. Hye Taeyang oppa :)) . Can you sing a birthday song for me ??

  667. Hi GD oppa , I want you go to THAILAND again. I want to learn Korean because of you.

  668. i want gd oppa to say that he love me as much as his love his mom

  669. g dragon, me and my friends love you soo much ! you are one of the most coolest and stylish person i have ever seen.i have one request-please come to abudhabi once , there are a huge no. of fans waiting here for u .keep making rocking songs . there will always be so much of love and support from our side .

  670. GD oppa , I’m in love with you after I herad your song “Crooked” . I’m blushing . At first I am a fan of Taeyang . Now , I like the both of you .. Taeyang oppa , please sing to me Ringa Linga song . Jiyong oppa , please sing to me Hwo You song . And Bigbang .. Please sing to me Somebody To Love song . Miss you all really . Waiting for your all new debut ^^

  671. I wish they would come to columbus ohio

  672. I want a Christmas album from Kripkie. Winterwonderland, Silent Night, the works. C’mon Professor, sing one for the team. Kripkie Does Christmas! I can see it now.

  673. Hey, it’s amber here. I hope you speak english as i don’t know korean. I love you guys so much. I really want you to do a uk tour and come to the M.E.N Areana in manchester. I would love to spend a day with you all aswell. Love you so much xxxxxxx

  674. Guys what is the email? I cant read Korean or write in Korean. Plus whats the point. Ji Yong and YoungBae could speak and read English.

  675. Your the. Best

  676. Is this still working?

  677. Is this still the adress of them or did it change?

  678. I wish i could talk GD for 5 mins :}

  679. In google + G RDAGON BVB,there you can all ask what your interests.
    Google+ uses the famous model, she’s with them all the time, and they are used this google +. not a fake

  680. I’ve heard of this google +,
    and certainly not fake
    Model is DIla

  681. hi bigbang i’m your number 1 fan from singapore. i really wanna meet you guys real life. i love you boys

  682. can you guys come to minneapolis in minnesota! gdragon you are my favorite!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  683. Have the ultimate comeback song. It thanks your many many fans. Or the album will sound like every damn kpop boy bubblegum band.

  684. i really hope that i will meet g-dragon. seriously i really like you XD , though I sit in Malaysia and I’ve never met you but I will always be interested in you. My hope is that I can meet you. But all that will not happen, but one day help my intention to be achieved to meet you all. I want very g-dragon read what I write this. 😦 Seriously i want g-dragon to see this 🙂 haha , saranghaeyo jiyong opa :’)

  685. hello bigbang.
    1.In my opinion there is 30% of your fans is man/boys and70% is women/girl don’t you think that.
    2.don’t worry i’am still your fans
    3.can you give me your facebook name gd?

  686. 빅뱅, 그래도 난 그들을 사랑 해요. 우리에게 노래를 떨어 뜨려주세요. VIP 말을 듣고

  687. Did somebody write a mail to this address? O.o and got an answer or something?:DDD

  688. OMG TOP, I would go to korea just to see you ❤

  689. top top top top top top top HAHA! you are so addicting

  690. You are all so cool but i like more Kang Dae-sung (i call him dasu by the wayy ) and after him Ji-yong _<

  691. Let’s Fight

    I am sick of telling you everything that I do. I can’t do this anymore
    I’m still young I can live my life I can find my perfect one
    Even if those are my thoughts I don’t want be away from you
    I’m not telling you to change I like being close with you but not in this way
    You are pushing me farther away
    Hey Hey Hey
    난 할 수있어
    nan hal su-iss-eo
    당신없이 살기단순히 당신없이
    dangsin-eobs-i salgidansunhi dangsin-eobs-i
    살고 싶지 않아요
    salgo sipji anh-ayo
    이제 우리는 바쁜 것을 우리의 과거를 봐
    ije ulineun bappeun geos-eul uliui gwageoleul bwa
    당신은 웃을거야어떻게 밝은 그것이었습니다
    dangsin-eun us-eulgeoya-eotteohge balg-eun geugeos-ieossseubnida
    We can be still together if learn from our errors
    I’m not going to cry just waiting you come back in silence
    It been days that you avoid me
    Are you scare or you just don’t love me ?
    We can fight for us if we want we can make up
    But if you want more time I giving you but hurry
    Time is going (Tick-Tack) and I may not be here anymore
    For us
    La la la la la LET’S FIGHT l la la la la la

    난 그냥 당신없이 살고 싶어하지 않는
    nan geunyang dangsin-eobs-i salgo sip-eohaji anhneun
    내 마음은 준비되어 있지 않습니다
    nae ma-eum-eun junbidoeeo issji anhseubnida
    저에게 답을주세요 이유
    jeoege dab-euljuseyo iyu
    Hey hey hey hey hey
    Tick Tack time is moving so fast
    I’m sorry I just opening this door now
    I m opening and there I found you with a smile
    She:You come back
    He: couldn’t live you

    What do you think of this guys im new of doing this sort of things but i enjoy it so tell me if you like it

  692. Hi! I am a big fan of g dragon !! Gonna sent him a letter if dis address is true!!

  693. Does anyone know why I can’t chat with g dragon on line chat?
    I really want to chat with him

  694. Gd love you!

  695. We want a comeback ..

  696. Hello Guys… Im a big fan.. I live in Denver, I Really want to meet you Big Bang Hermosos^.*

  697. Hey I love you guys, im a big fan..

  698. Wait but if I live somewhere where they don’t read hangul, do I still write hangul on the letter or can I write it in english?

  699. Ok

  700. Hi guys I’m from the Philippines…:D Have a good day to all of you…

  701. i am beyond crazy about bigbang i think GD and d-lite are really HOT. but everyone. of y ou are really cute but GD and d lite are my future husbands

  702. Gdragon will you got out with me?

  703. Gdragon will you go out with me?

  704. G dragon will you go out with me?

  705. Will you come to Bladenboro Nort Carolina?i stay at spinners court apartment six ib really want to meet you in person and this is to the whole big bang group

  706. Dear GD Oppa,

    how’re u doing?all ur performance always awesome, do ur best ok.
    i really love to see u, will be happy to meet u of course (dream only maybe) he he he ^^
    i’m from indonesia
    this is first time i try this site, hope my post didn’t give any trouble 😛
    ur smile really nice 😉
    have a nice sleep Oppa :*

    By : Yani (25 Years old) 😛

  707. Dear G-Dragon,
    I’m a huge fan of yours! I really hope Big Bang comes to Chicago someday! I love you! You have such a cute smile! Hope you have a great day! ^.^ ❤

  708. Does the address still work? Or did they change it?

  709. am t.o.p i love his voice is so hot

  710. love also g dragon am from Trinidad and Tobago am 22

  711. @xxxibgdrgn if a person in love but cant see that they love, who is she to love but not love the person she loves.. riddle me this g dragon..
    if i were to love you, would you pick love over fame or fame over love

  712. aaaah it hurts i love TOP so much what to do it really hurts i tried to ignore but it didnt helped aaaaah m so sad

  713. 안녕하세요

  714. anybody have a phone number for gdragon by any chance?

  715. Whats the email address?

  716. Big bang,
    I am a fan of yours. Thanks for your music, I’m really happy for you guys living your dreams. wish you happiness. Fighting!

  717. I hope I could get a letter or Email back from somebody!!!

  718. ji yong oppa i love you so much i’m rym from algeria please some day come to algeri & please answer me oh i’m not good in english a lot hhhh

  719. oppa ilike your music so much and i wish you readmy message

    ❤ pease

  720. BIGBANG’s music is one of a kind. My Fav’s is Seungri and Ji Yong. Love you guys. Never stops supporting. Do The Best!! Beat The Rest!!!

  721. Oh so great to have this site to connect to my idols bigbang i love you

    g-dragon forever love yah ^o^

  722. TOP oppa I am a fan from algeria i like you so much i like your dtyle i like everything about you
    and iam Lyna from algeria
    stay cool

  723. Hi BigBang! ❤
    So i just wanted to say you are The world’s best artists and When will you come to London because We love you here? I love you so much. 🎀❤👑
    Xoxo: Leila 😘

    i love you G-Dragon oppa
    please bigbang come to algeria
    we love you so mush
    my name is rym

  725. hello OPPA i just wanna tell you that you were very sexy very hot very pretty in the song of bang bang bang an even in the other songs i wish you still like thet
    i love you

  726. hey g-dragon oppa I wish you luck in your relationship with kiko
    and I’ll Pray for you
    and for BigBang I wish them luck to but I am so so so so sorry about exo 😦
    please forgive us please
    this is Lyna’s Sunbright ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
    pease ♥ ♥ ♥

  727. Hi me and my friends are hug fans

  728. jiyong OPPA!!!!i’m youre big fab from algria i wish you luck in youre all next concert i will pray for bigbang and for my OPPA G-Dragon Fighting!!!
    youre fan forever rym

  729. JIYOUNG!!!! OPPA!!!! I’am like your biggest fan ever
    how are you there? Did you have a nice day today?

  730. I heard there is a concert in Toronto October 13 but i don’t have the money to attend i hope big bang puts on an awesome show my friend Paris might attend and i am so jealous

  731. If Bigbang or 2ne1 get the letter will they write back

  732. Will Bigbang write back

  733. I don’t know if bigbang is going to wrte back
    any ways
    V.I.P and proud

  734. hello,im Kaishen…
    finally saw this site! phew!
    i don’t know how to speak korean but im sure you understand me sooo
    thanks too all your songs bigbang…i was saved
    im really thankful…especially the HARU HARU i can relate but im not the girl kay?! lolz
    my special someone died just like the song…Its really hard to move on but..thanks to you, saved me from depression….you saved the drowning me

  735. can I be friend with Daesung oppa? I found that he is caring and kind 🙂 just be friend, I think I was overthink .. He can’t see my comment XD

  736. I was in Bigbang’s concert last Thursday!!
    it ROCK!!!

  737. Umarım doğru yazıyorumdur. Lütfen e-mail adresin bu ise cevap ver !

    대답하시기 바랍니다

    Please. answer me

  738. I swear I love BIGBANG but it shameless when I lack info about them…can anybody tell I can support them more..something about their instagram or Facebook or anything…help me guys…lol.

  739. dear all big bang
    my name is alicia and im from ohio usa. im a big fan of yours and i have a questions for each of you guys first off g dragon if u had to pick a place to live where would u live and why? second taeyang would you go on vacation to hawaii or la on your time off? third seungri name a place that you never visit before and why would you go there? fourth daesung have you or any of there other guys in big bang had a trip to ohio and would yous guys go? fifth top did you like wearing that costume for the music video fantastic baby? and last question i would like to send it to you privatly but im afraid to ask it? the reason why is i didnt had a good birthday this year and i want to do something special but cant. if you do read this send an email to me thank you guys you are the best.

  740. Dears , I have the perfect song for your international career. The song is called “Illík Nev York” This song is a pop dance-, and can be a big, big hit, especially in UŠA.Ako your interested give a signal and send the mail.Best regards, author Velibor

  741. Dear BigBang,
    I am from Singapore and I really wish that you can come back to Singapore as I have missed your last few performances and concert. I tried to catch up with your old videos and M/Vs. Good luck with your next few concerts and your choreography. I wish you all the best and continue making us proud. 🙂 Fighting!

  742. I love G-Dragon.. I started liking 2PM after watching their songs but once I saw bigbang songs I became ahhhh. They sing really nice.. GDragon is really cute.. I watched all bigbang videos available online.. Seungri and Daesung are the funniest, I can’t stop laughing once they start talking.. Taeyang has a very soft and melodic voice..

  743. Is the address still up to date?

  744. Hope this is real . All I want is just to contact GD and wish to say Hello to him from other side .

  745. I Wanted to tell G-Dragon that I’m his biggest fan and I love all the videos that he dose especially with TOP.

    plz respond tho me if you can

  746. Hi ! So , I happened to come across this website , and I was wondering if you could answer my question .. Are Bigbang holding an autograph event anytime soon ..? If not soon this year , are they ever doing one ?

  747. I love your music very much 💝💜❤️

  748. So if I wanted to write them a fan letter, what would the address look like in Korean.
    I only know English. Please help me! I would love to send them a letter.

  749. I like it

  750. Just look at this video

    There is a Russian girl who just copied a song “eyes,nose,lips”

  751. Gdragon… is the best among the rest….
    …. i love Jiyoung…. Forever….

  752. Yo Big Bang my best friend loves you all and she happens to be a woman I very much like. Her name is kidada like (key-dada) if you could get in touch with me so I could suprise her that would mean the world to me.

  753. 😀😇

  754. Would love to see an episode with Yvette and Raj getting together. She would be a good match for Raj.

  755. Episode with Yvette and Raj would be great.

  756. i always watching your music vidoe all of you guys are funny!! i cant stop laughing when i see the (Weekly Idol EP.285) BIGBANG 2X faster version ‘BANG BANG BANG!!

  757. when i saw teayang smilling we are same because our eyes are getting small and T.O.P when he rap and also JIYONG when he smile (saranghea bigbang) GOD BLESS YOU BIGBANG!! ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

  758. Hi Bigbang! my daughter Losa is a big fan of your music! And she really loves you all! Losa is turning 16 next week and I was wondering if you can make a small video wishing her a happy birthday please:) I know she would absolutely be so happy! And it would mean the world to her! It would be the perfect surprise for her:) you can send your video to my email I hope you can do this for Losa:) thank you very much:) Gabby

  759. As much as I truly truly love big bang .,. It breaks my heart when jokes are made about Stephen Hawkins … Stephen Hawkins is one in I don’t even know maybe 1 million that has survived ALS for numerous years .. The pain of watching your child die from this ugly disease is enormous as soon as I know that Stephen Hawkins is going to be referred to on one of your shows I delete it . My son died from ALS at the age of 31 leaving behind three young children .. this is an ugly devastating disease and should not be made A joke. I love the show so dearly and collect all the DVDs of the humour towards Stephen Hawkins is truly truly truly not that funny !!!

  760. Dear mr G Dragon. My name is greg I’m 49 years old Firefighter from Charlestown Indiana. My girlfriend is on her way to Chicago as we speak to bring her 22 year old sister Jessica polletto to your concert. She’s a huge fan. Of course I know you get tons of emails from millions of fans who all claim to be your #1 fan. Let me tell you a little bit about her. She is the youngest of four girls. Was in a car wreck at age 11 with her mother and older sister. Her mother was severely injured and disabled. Her mother survived for the past 12 years Jessica has had to take care of her mother staying cooped up 24/7 in a small efficient apartment. In may 2017 her mother passed away from a stroke. Jessica and her 3 older sisters were devastated. But Jessica being her mothers primary caretaker was left alone and lost all she knew her mom. Jessica has suffered from depression and lacking social skills due to not having much of a life since taking care her mother. I know this is prob to late and tu might not do these things anyway at your concerts. But if is anyway possible for you to just say hello on the microphone to Jessica polletto and her sister Tabitha Keith would mean the world to her and help her break out of her shell. She has since her mothers death finally got her first job and doing much better. I’m sure you personally won’t read this and have a manager who will. And your Chicago concert is hours away if this could be given to Mr G Dragon I would so much be appreciative. Thank you

  761. I wish I can meet big bang once in Poland in hajnowka beside this place called biedronka. I really wanna learn Korean and I was a big bang fan from the start of big only wish is to see big bang beacause all night and day I was listening to there songs and crying to see them.I am really sad cause I am getting bullied in school and I am a loser…and probably I still won’t meet big bang so why am I even happy of my life I should just do something to myself nobady makes me happy only big bang.bigbang I love u 😢🎤😢

  762. Hello.. I’m bigbang VIP . I’ll support bigbang forever . Kwon leader is @mazing and attractive. Hope all of you always in healthy situation 🙂 Enjoy your life 🙂 KWON JI YONG 🐉

  763. My Name is Monika and I am from Germany.
    My English is not so good.
    My Daughter Sandra like G Dragon so much.
    She was in Berlin in Concert.
    She would like an autograph from Kwon ji yong soo much.
    Can you send us an autograph please?

  764. Annyoung haseo ,
    I am Oh Ri Ohn. I want to know something about G Dragon and Top. Is it true that both of them suffer from deppression? It’s an emergency question. So anybody please reply as soon as u see this. I must say this is an emergency bcoz I have a reason behind this question. Kindly reply me

    Hoping for an answer,
    Oh Ri Ohn

  765. Jwesonghamnida,
    I forgot to tell something.
    My warm wishes to everone. Let’s make this 2018 a year of prosperity and happiness.
    Let’s hope for the best from each one of us. Let’s make others smile through our warm and lovely deeds.
    Let’s find the L❤VE inside our HEART and share it with the people around us.

    Best wishes from,
    Ur sister Oh Ri Ohn

  766. we always miss you ,. gd i want to see you.plz reply this email

  767. Hello, What is Big Bang latest fan mail address, please? Is this address still valid? Seoul-si, Mapogu HabJungDong 371-26
    DukYang Building: BIG BANG
    ZIP: 121-829

  768. Does anyone have GD’s Email or Gmail?or phone number

  769. Does anyone really get to talk to big bang GD? I really want to talk to him he is amzing and awsome i wish to see him but i cant😭if anyone have GD’s email or phone num or anything that can contact him pls email


  771. This website needs to be updated.

  772. Iam iam mahesh oruganti ..i will play for your big bang pongs game …i will rechead to paypal balnce ..but you do not send my paypal reedemed …this is facke are no …i need your answer

  773. My PayPal account isn’t ready yet. They need to accept my bank account. I exppect the Monet redeemed by me it can ready after monday when i Will call to the support of PayPal on monday soon. Thanks

  774. Tell Taeyang; Egytpian God Ra not to abandon me yet. His music about me Hawa Eve, Queen Arsinoe who is Jennifer Green of United States. I need him.

  775. Is this the reall addreas!! Redeem hoax

  776. Big bang pongs

  777. Your game said it paid me $200 but it never went into my PayPal account. Please help! My PayPal and email is Thank you

  778. Hi my payment is successful but it not in my PayPal account my email is

  779. i like big bang, please do not replace

  780. hey this might sound very ‘non-normal’ but im in cps and dont have a family to go to……so…. i already know your answer..but i was wondering if any of you or anyone you know is looking to adopt anyone…the only reason why im in cps…is something ill tell you privately!

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